

委员长、副委员长连续任职不得超过两届。    The Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Standing Committee shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
中央军事委员会实行主席负责制。    The Chairman assumes overall responsibility for the work of the Central Military Commission.
中央军事委员会实行主席负责制。    The Chairman assumes overall responsibility for the work of the Central Military Commission.
法官考评委员会主任由本院院长担任。    The chairman of a commission for examination and assessment of judges shall be assumed by the president of the court it belongs to.
检察官考评委员会主任由本院检察长担任。    The chairman of a commission for examination and assessment of public procurators shall be assumed by the chief procurator of the procuratorate it belongs to.
委员长、副委员长、秘书长组成委员长会议,处理全国人民代表大会常务委员会的重要日常工作。    The Chairman, the Vice-Chairmen and the Secretary-General constitute the Council of Chairmen which handles the important day-to-day work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
委员长、副委员长、秘书长组成委员长会议,处理全国人民代表大会常务委员会的重要日常工作。    The Chairman, the Vice-Chairmen and the Secretary-General constitute the Council of Chairmen which handles the important day-to-day work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
委员长,副委员长若干人,秘书长,委员若干人。    the Chairman; the Vice-Chairmen; the Secretary-General; and the members.
委员长,副委员长若干人,秘书长,委员若干人。    the Chairman; the Vice-Chairmen; the Secretary-General; and the members.
行政长官认为必要时可邀请有关人士列席会议。    The Chief Executive may, as he or she deems necessary, invite other persons concerned to sit in on meetings of the Council.
行政长官在解散立法会前,须征询行政会议的意见。行政长官在其一任任期内只能解散立法会一次。    The Chief Executive must consult the Executive Council before dissolving the Legislative Council. The Chief Executive may dissolve the Legislative Council only once in each term of his or her office.
香港特别行政区行政长官依照本法的规定对中央人民政府和香港特别行政区负责。    The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be accountable to the Central People's Government and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
行政长官就任时应向香港特别行政区终审法院首席法官申报财产,记录在案。    The Chief Executive, on assuming office, shall declare his or her assets to the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This declaration shall be put on record.
香港特别行政区终审法院的首席法官只有在无力履行职责或行为不检的情况下,行政长官才可任命不少于五名当地法官组成的审议庭进行审议,并可根据其建议,依照本法规定的程序,予以免职。    The Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may be investigated only for inability to discharge his or her duties, or for misbehaviour, by a tribunal appointed by the Chief Executive and consisting of not fewer than five local judges and may be removed by the Chief Executive on the recommendation of the tribunal and in accordance with the procedures prescribed in this Law.
地方各级人民检察院检察长由地方各级人民代表大会选举和罢免,副检察长、检察委员会委员和检察员由本院检察长提请本级人民代表大会常务委员会任免。    The chief procurators of the local People's Procuratorates at various levels shall be elected or removed by the local people's congresses at the corresponding levels. The deputy chief procurators, members of the procuratorial committees and procurators shall be appointed or removed by the standing committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels upon the recommendation of the chief procurators of those procuratorates.
在省、自治区内按地区设立的和在直辖市内设立的人民检察院分院检察长、副检察长、检察委员会委员和检察员由省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院检察长提请本级人民代表大会常务委员会任免。    The chief procurators, deputy chief procurators, members of the procuratorial committees and procurators of the branches of the People's Procuratorates set up in prefectures in the provinces or autonomous regions or set up in the municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be appointed or removed by the standing committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels upon the recommendation of the chief procurators of the People's Procuratorates of the provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government.
中国人民和中国人民解放军战胜了帝国主义、霸权主义的侵略、破坏和武装挑衅,维护了国家的独立和安全,增强了国防。    The Chinese people and the Chinese People's Liberation Army have defeated imperialist and hegemonist aggression, sabotage and armed provocations and have thereby safeguarded China's national independence and security and strengthened its national defence.
中国人民和中国人民解放军战胜了帝国主义、霸权主义的侵略、破坏和武装挑衅,维护了国家的独立和安全,增强了国防。    The Chinese people and the Chinese People's Liberation Army have defeated imperialist and hegemonist aggression, sabotage and armed provocations and have thereby safeguarded China's national independence and security and strengthened its national defence.
除非合同另有规定,合同中的管辖协议条款独立存在,合同的变更、解除、终止或者无效,不影响管辖协议条款的效力。    The choice of court agreement exists independently and any change, relief, termination or invalidation of the contract won’t influence effect of the choice of court agreement, except when it’s otherwise prescribed in the contract.??
上述活动情形应当写入笔录,由审判人员和书记员签名。    The circumstances of the above-mentioned proceedings shall be entered in the written record, which shall be signed by the judges and the court clerk.
上述活动情形应当写入笔录,由审判人员和书记员签名。    The circumstances of the above-mentioned proceedings shall be entered in the written record, which shall be signed by the judges and the court clerk.
中华人民共和国法官职业道德基本准则    The Code of Judicial Ethics for Judges of the People's Republic of China
合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。    The collegial panel must have an odd number of members.
合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。    The collegial panel must have an odd number of members.
审判委员会的决定,合议庭应当执行。    The collegial panel shall execute the decision of the judicial committee.
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