

(一) 筹建申请书。其内容应包括拟设汽车金融公司名称、公司注册所在地、注册资本金,出资人及各自的出资额、业务范围等。    " (a) an application letter
购买麻黄素应先向省、自治区、直辖市药品管理部门提出书面申请,经审查同意后办理购用证明,并到指定的麻黄素定点经营企业购买。    " An application in writing shall be filed at the department of pharmaceutical administration of a province
因故未能在许可证有效期内出运的,须在出口许可证、出口购用证明有效期满后15日内将上述证明及时退回原发证单位。    " An enterprise that has failed to effect the shipment within the validity of the license due to unforeseen reasons must
第十二条 承储、承运、装卸企业必须根据国家有关规定和产品包装上标明的储运要求进行储存、运输和装卸。    " Article 12 The enterprises which undertake to store
本法所称农业生产经营组织,是指农业集体经济组织、国有农业企业和其他农业企业。    """Agricultural production and operation organizations"" mentioned in this Law mean agricultural economic collectives
本法所称农业,是指种植业、林业、畜牧业和渔业。    """Agriculture"" as mentioned in this Law means crop-plantation
(一)达到本条例第二条规定的质量要求,有检验机构和检验人员签证的产品检验合格证;    "(1) achieving the quality requirements stipulated in Article 2 of the present Regulations
(一) 负责本网络的安全保护管理工作,建立健全安全保护管理制度;    "(1) Assume responsibility for network security
(三)标底价格作为建设单位的期望计划价,应力求与市场的实际变化吻合,要有利于竞争和保证工程质量;    "(3) As a price contemplated by the construction developer
(三)对合作转化中产生的科技成果,各方都有实施该项科技成果的权利,转让该科技成果应经合作各方同意。    "(3) As to the scientific and technological achievements made through collaborated transformation
四、经审核,凡符合生产监控化学品各项条件的,由国务院化学工业主管部门颁发生产特别许可证书;    "(4) After review
五、自接受监督检查之日前溯三年中被监督检查车间生产监控化学品的每年产量,或对二类监控化学品的加工、消耗量,或如有对监控化学品的直接出口的出口量以及对监控化学品生产、或第二类监控化学品加工、消耗的日生产记录、领料记录、储存记录、发货(包括出口)记录、废物处理记录等。     "(5) Annual production quantity for the previous three years at workshops being supervised and examined
(六)现有主要施工任务,包括在建和尚未开工工程一览表。    "(6) A list of current construction projects
(六)定标后,逾期拒签承发包合同的。    "(6) After bid selection
(六)已经建设项目所在地规划部门批准,施工现场的“三通一平”已经完成或一并列入施工招标范围。    "(6) Approval has been obtained from the local planning department where the construction project is located; the construction site has been leveled and is connected to water
(七) 按照国家有关规定,删除本网络中含有本办法第五条内容的地址、目录或者关闭服务器。    "(7) According to the relevant State regulations
(八)投标、开标、评标、定标等活动的日程安排;    "(8) Agenda for such activities as tender offering
新建、扩建或者改建用于生产第四类监控化学品中不含磷、硫、氟的特定有机化学品的设施,应当在开工生产前向所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府化学工业主管部门备案。    "A notice shall be filed with the local chemical industry authorities under the PARM government
一些汽车生产企业违反国家有关部委对全国汽车、民用改装车和摩托车生产企业及产品目录的管理规定,非法拼装汽车,倒卖合格证,转让产品目录,甚至利用改装车名义上整车制造项目。    "A number of automobile manufacturing enterprises have
一些单位擅自与外商洽谈合资建设汽车项目,并且将项目化整为零自行审批,或“先斩后奏”,造成既成事实后迫使国家认可。    "A number of units have conducted talks with foreign businesses without authorization on the construction of joint-venture automotive projects
当事人一方明知或者应知另一方非法占有他人技术而与之进行技术交易,视为侵害他人技术权益。    "A party concerned is fully aware or should be aware that the other party illegally usurps the technology of other people and yet conducts technology trading with it
(一)生产、经营、储存、使用危险物品,未建立专门安全管理制度、未采取可靠的安全措施或者不接受有关主管部门依法实施的监督管理的;    "a. Failing to establish special safety administration systems or failing to take effective safety measures or refusing to accept the lawful supervision and administration of the administrative departments for the production
(一)生产、经营、储存、使用危险物品的车间、商店、仓库与员工宿舍在同一座建筑内,或者与员工宿舍的距离不符合安全要求的;    "a. The workshop
(一)矿山建设项目或者用于生产、储存危险物品的建设项目没有安全设施设计或者安全设施设计未按照规定报经有关部门审查同意的;    "a. There is no design of safety facilities for a mining construction project or a construction project for the production or storage of hazardous substances
构成违反治安管理行为的,依照治安管理处罚条例的规定处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。    "Activities contravening public security management regulations are punishable in accordance with provisions of the public security management penalties articles. Where crimes have occurred
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