- 中国工业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 监控化学品的生产技术是指生产监控化学品的各种技术手段。 """MCC production technology"" refers to the different technological means to produce the MCCs. "
- (四)保证工程质量、进度、施工安全的主要技术组织措施; "(4) Major technical measures to guarantee the quality
- (四)机器、设备、装置、仪表以及耐用消费品,除符合本条(一)、(二)、(三)项要求外,还应有详细的产品使用说明书。 "(4) machinery
- (五)主要材料(钢材、木材、水泥等)与设备的供应方式,加工定货情况和材料、设备价差的处理方法; "(5) Method of supply of major materials (steel
- (五) 捏造或者歪曲事实,散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序的; "(5) Making falsehoods or distorting the truth
- (一)生产、经销掺假产品、冒牌产品,以“处理品”冒充合格品; "1. manufacture or market adulterated product or imitated product
- 500万吨/年及以上井下无轨采、装、运设备 "5-million-ton/year and over trackless mining
- (五)生产、经销国家实行生产许可证制度而到期未取得生产许可证的产品; "5. manufacture or market the products on which the State adopts the system of production licence
- (六)生产、经销用不合格原材料、零部件生产或组装的产品; "6. manufacture or market products manufactured or assembled with unqualified raw materials
- (七)生产、经销违反国家安全、卫生、环境保护和计量等法规要求的产品; "7. manufacture or market products in violation of the requirements stipulated by state laws and regulations concerning safety
- 高新技术广告制作、经济和科技展览、科学普及 "Making of new high-tech advertisements
- 编组站自动化、装卸作业机械化及货场设备 "Marshalling yard automation
- 合成材料配套原料:双酚A、丁苯吡胶乳、吡啶、4.4’二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯、甲苯二异氰酸脂 "Matching raw materials for composite materials: biphenol-A
- 无汞碱锰二次电池、镍氢电池、锂电池 "Mercury-free alkaline manganese second battery cell
- 高铝矾土、硬质粘土矿开采及熟料生产 "Mining of high-alumina bauxite and hard clay ore
- 粮食、棉花、食用油、化肥、石油等重要商品的现代化仓储运输设施 "Modernized warehousing and transport facilities for essential commodities such as foodgrains
- 非金属制品的模具设计、加工、制造 "Mould design
- 二、被指定单位出口的监控化学品,必须来自生产企业自产产品。 (2) MCCs to be exported by the designated work units must be original products from the enterprises.
- 线宽0.8微米以下大规模集成电路 0.8 micron wire width and below large-scale integrated circuits
- (二)生产、经销隐匿厂名、厂址的产品; 2. manufacture or market products without indicating the name and address of the manufacturer;
- 2米以上大型冷热连轧及过程控制技术和设备 2m and over big-size cold and hot continuous rolling and process control technology and equipment
- (三)生产、经销没有产品检验合格证的产品; 3. manufacture or market products without quality certificate;
- (四)生产、经销国家已明令淘汰的产品; 4. manufacture or market products of which the State has issued explicit order for their elimination;
- (八)经销过期失效产品。 8. market products which have passed the expiry date.
- 转轮直径8.5米及以上混流、轴流式水电设备及其关键配套辅机 8.5M rotor and over mixed current and axle current hydropower generation equipment and its key matching auxiliary engines
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