(一)国籍证明; (1) a certificate concerning the nationality of the applicant;(一)按规定填写的软件著作权登记表; (1) A software copyright registration form filled out in accordance with the regulations;(一)根据最终的司法判决; (1) According to final judicial judgement;(一)为个人目的或者单纯为评价、分析、研究、教学等目的而复制受保护的布图设计的; (1) An act of reproducing a protected layout-design is performed for private purposes or for the sole purposes of evaluation, analysis, research and teaching;(一)申请费、申请附加费、公布印刷费; (1) application fee, additional fee for application, publishing and printing fee;(一)作者; (1) authors; and(十)注释,指对文字作品中的字、词、句进行解释; (10) A notation is the explanation of characters, words and sentences used in a literary work;(二)申请人是企业或者其他组织的,其营业所或者总部所在地的证明文件; (2) a certificate concerning the locality of the business office or the headquarters, if the applicant is an enterprise or other organization;(二)布图设计的复制件或者图样; (2) A copy or drawing of the layout-design;(二)不向其他任何人提供该生物材料的保证; (2) a guarantee not to make the biomaterial available to any other person;(二) 个别土地承包经营权人之间承包地的调整; (2) adjustment of the contracted lands among the right holders of the contracted management of land;(二)专利权被宣告无效后,继续在制造或者销售的产品上标注专利标记; (2) after a patent right has been declared invalid, continuing to mark a patent mark on the product produced or sold by himself;(二)为介绍、评论某一作品或者说明某一问题,在作品中适当引用他人已经发表的作品; (2) appropriate quotation from a published work of others in one's work for the purposes of introduction to, or comment on, a work, or demonstration of a point;(二) 有偿利用供役地,约定的付款期间届满后在合理期限内经两次催告未支付费用。 (2) as regards the paid use of servient tenement, upon expiration of the stipulated time limit for payment, fails to pay fees within a reasonable period for two times after being urged to do so.(二) 土地界址、面积等; (2) [] and acreage, etc. of the land;(24)加强商标管理。提高商标审查效率,缩短审查周期,保证审查质量。尊重市场规律,切实解决驰名商标、著名商标、知名商品、名牌产品、优秀品牌的认定等问题。 (24) Administration on trademarks shall be strengthened. We shall improve inspection efficiency for trademarks, reduce inspection periods and ensure inspection quality. We shall also respect market disciplines, and properly resolve issues such as recognition of well-known trademarks, famous trademarks, well-known products, brand products and excellent brands.(三)申请人的所属国,承认中国单位和个人可以按照该国国民的同等条件,在该国享有专利权、优先权和其他与专利有关的权利的证明文件。 (3) a certified document showing that the country, to which the applicant belongs, recognizes that Chinese entities and individuals are, under the same conditions applied to its nationals, entitled to patent right, right of priority and other related rights in that country.(三)在授予专利权前,只作为实验目的使用的保证。 (3) a guarantee to use the biomaterial for experimental purpose only before the grant of the patent right.(三)布图设计已投入商业利用的,提交含有该布图设计的集成电路样品; (3) An integrated circuit speciment incorporating a layout-design if put into commercial exploitation; and(3)经过多年发展,我国知识产权法律法规体系逐步健全,执法水平不断提高;知识产权拥有量快速增长,效益日益显现;市场主体运用知识产权能力逐步提高;知识产权领域的国际交往日益增多,国际影响力逐渐增强。知识产权制度的建立和实施,规范了市场秩序,激励了发明创造和文化创作,促进了对外开放和知识资源的引进,对经济社会发展发挥了重要作用。但是,从总体上看,我国知识产权制度仍不完善,自主知识产权水平和拥有量尚不能满足经济社会发展需要,社会公众知识产权意识仍较薄弱,市场主体运用知识产权能力不强,侵犯知识产权现象还比较突出,知识产权滥用行为时有发生,知识产权服务支撑体系和人才队伍建设滞后,知识产权制度对经济社会发展的促进作用尚未得到充分发挥。 (3)???? After years of development, China has an improving intellectual property laws and regulations system and law enforcement level as well as an increasing number of IPR ownerships with more increasingly obvious benefits. The ability of market subjects in using of intellectual property is enhanced gradually and the international exchange in the intellectual property field is more frequent, with larger international influences. The establishment and implement of the intellectual property system regulate market orders, stimulate invention and cultural creation, accelerate the opening-up and introduction of intellectual resources, and exert important functions for economic and social development. However, in general, there are problems as follows: China’s intellectual property system is imperfect and the level and ownerships of independent IPR fail to meet demands of economic and social development; social public have comparatively poor sense on intellectual property; market subjects have no strong abilities in using of intellectual properties; intellectual property infringements are serious to some extent and the abuse of intellectual properties are common; the establishment of a service system and creation of human resource pool for intellectual property lag; and the intellectual property system’s role in hastening the social and economic development has not been fully played.(38)加强国防知识产权管理。将知识产权管理纳入国防科研、生产、经营及装备采购、保障和项目管理各环节,增强对重大国防知识产权的掌控能力。发布关键技术指南,在武器装备关键技术和军民结合高新技术领域形成一批自主知识产权。建立国防知识产权安全预警机制,对军事技术合作和军品贸易中的国防知识产权进行特别审查。 (38) Administration for national defense intellectual property shall be enhanced. We shall apply administration of intellectual property to all links including scientific research on national defense, production, operation, equipment purchase, guarantee and project management to improve control ability on major national defense intellectual properties, issue guidelines of key technologies, having a group of independent intellectual properties in fields of military equipment key technology and army-people unifying high-tech, and establish a safety forewarning system for national defense intellectual properties, making special inspection on national defense intellectual properties in military technical cooperation and army supply trades.(四)动物和植物品种; (4) animal and plant varieties;(四) 严重影响债权实现的其他情形。 (4) Any other circumstance seriously impacting the realization of obligee's rights.(四) 法律规定担保物权消灭的其他情形。 (4) Any other circumstance under which the real rights for security will be terminated as provided for by any law.(四)国务院知识产权行政部门规定的其他材料。 (4) Any other documents as required for by the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council.