

本法所称动物防疫,包括动物疫病的预防、控制、扑灭和动物、动物产品的检疫。    ""Animal epidemic prevention"" referred to in this Law includes prevention, control and extermination of animal epidemics as well as quarantine of animals and animal products.
本法所称动物疫病,是指动物传染病、寄生虫病。    ""Animal epidemic"" referred to in this Law means animal infectious diseases and parasitic diseases.
本法所称动物产品,是指动物的生皮、原毛、精液、胚胎、种蛋以及未经加工的胴体、脂、脏器、血液、绒、骨、角、头、蹄等。    ""Animal product"" referred to in this Law means animals’ raw hides, hairs, semen, embryos and breeder eggs as well as non-processed products such as trunks, grease, viscera, blood, down, bones, horns, heads and hoofs.
(一)""动物""是指饲养、野生的活动物、如畜、禽、兽、蛇、龟、鱼、虾、蟹、贝、蚕、蜂等;    (1) ""Animals"" mean the live animals, whether domesticated or wild, such as livestock, poultry, beasts, snakes, tortoises, fishes, shrimps and prawns, crabs, shellfishes, silkworms and bees;
(一)遵守《国境卫生检疫法》和本细则及有关卫生法规的规定:    (1) abide by the ""Frontier Health and Quarantine Law"" and the related health regulations stipulated in these Implementation Rules;
(一) 协议准入制度。市场应与入市经销商签订食品安全保证协议,明确食品经营的安全责任。    (1) Agreement access system. Markets shall sign agreement of food safety guarantee with market operators, clarifying safety responsibilities of food operation.
(一)船舶、航空器上有鼠疫病例的;    (1) any plague case is found on the vessel or aircraft;
(一)船长请求船员在船上留验的;    (1) at the request of the captain, the crew members may have the detention check-up on the vessel;
(二)""动物产品""是指来源于动物未经加工或者虽经加工但仍有可能传播疫病的产品,如生皮张、毛类、肉类、脏器、油脂、动物水产品、奶制品、蛋类、血液、精液、胚胎、骨、蹄、角等;    (2) ""Animal products"" mean the non-processed products or the processed products, from animals, still liable to spread epidemic diseases, such as raw hides, hairs, meats, viscerae, fat and grease, aquatic animal products, dairy products, eggs, blood, semens, embryos, bones, hoofs and horns;
2、 特许人从事商业特许经营活动的概况。    (2) A brief introduction to the commercial franchise activities of the franchiser.
(二) 接受卫生监督员的监督和检查,并为其工作提供方便;    (2) accept the inspection and checking by the sanitation supervisors and provide convenience for their work;
(二)食品生产经营企业应当有与产品品种、数量相适应的食品原料处理、加工、包装、贮存等厂房或者场所;    (2) An enterprise engaged in food production or marketing shall have workshops or other premises for the preparation of raw materials and for processing, packing and storage that are commensurate with the varieties and quantities of the products handled;
(二)船舶、航空器上发现有感染鼠疫的啮齿动物的;    (2) any rodent is found to have caught the plague on the vessel or aircraft;
(二)其他预防接种的有效期,按照有关规定执行。    (2) As for other kinds of inoculation, their term of validity shall be stated in related regulations.
(二)夜间放置扶梯、桥板时,应当用强光照射;    (2) at night the accommodation ladder and the gang board must be illuminated by strong searchlight;
(二) 注重日常统计分析。各级商务主管部门应注意统计本地加工贸易企业生产、经营、纳税、环保、能耗、工人数量、工资水平、职工社会保险缴纳情况等数据,总结本地加工贸易企业使用先进工艺装备、取得专利、建立自主品牌等情况和经验,并及时报上级商务主管部门统计汇总。    (2) Attention shall be paid to daily statistical analysis. The competent commerce departments at each level shall pay attention to gathering the statistical data regarding the production, operation, taxation, environmental protection, energy consumption, number of workers, wage level, payment of staff's social insurances, etc., of the local processing trade enterprises, summarize the situation and experience in using advanced technical equipment, obtaining patents and building self-owned brands by them, and file the related information with the higher competent commerce departments for statistical summary.
(三)彻底杀灭船舶、航空器上的埃及伊蚊及其虫卵、幼虫和其他黄热病媒介,并且在没有完成灭蚊以前限制该船与陆地和其他船舶的距离不少于400米;    (3) aedes aegypti, its eggs and larvae as well as other causitive mosquitoes must be eliminated completely and, before completion of disinsectization, the vessel is required to keep away from the shore or other vessels at a distance of at least 400 meters;
(三)动物尸体;    (3) Animal carcasses; and
(三)船舶上曾经有人在上船6日以后患鼠疫的。    (3) any person is found to have caught the plague 6 days after he/she boarded the vessel.
(三)应当有相应的消毒、更衣、盥洗、采光、照明、通风防腐、防尘、防蝇、防鼠、洗涤、污水排放、存放垃圾和废弃物的设施;    (3) Appropriate facilities shall be made available for disinfection, changing clothes, toilet, natural and artificial light, ventilation, prevention of spoilage, protection against dust, elimination of flies and rodents, washing of equipment, sewage discharge and the containment of garbage and other wastes;
(六)贮存、运输和装卸食品的容器包装、工具、设备和条件必须安全、无害、保持清洁,防止食品污染;    (6) Any containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for the storage, transportation, loading and unloading of food as well as the conditions under which these operations are carried out must be safe, harmless and kept clean in order to prevent food contamination;
(八)食品生产经营人员应当经常保持个人卫生,生产、销售食品时,必须将手洗净,穿戴清洁的工作衣、帽;销售直接入口食品时,必须使用售货工具;    (8) All persons involved in food production or marketing shall maintain a constant standard of personal hygiene, taking care to wash their hands thoroughly and wear clean work clothes and headgear while preparing or selling food; also, proper utensils must be used when selling ready-to- eat foods;
(九)用水必须符合国家规定的城乡生活用水卫生标准;    (9) Any water used must conform to the national hygiene standards for drinking-water in urban and rural areas;
1. 督促加工贸易企业严格执行环保标准,鼓励节能降耗。    (a) Processing trade enterprises shall be urged to strictly carry out environmental protection standards and encouraged to save energy and reduce energy consumption.
(1985年7月5日上海市第八届人民代表大会常务委员会第十五次会议批准 1996年10月31日上海市人民代表大会常务委员会第三十一次会议修正)    (Approved at the 15th Session of the Standing Committee of the 8th Shanghai Municipal people's Congress on July 5, 1985 and Amended on the Basis of the October 31, 1996 Decision of the 31st Session of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal people's Congress Amending to the Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Control of Hygiene of Food Sold on Urban and Rural Fairs)
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