- 中国食品卫生与检验检疫法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- “卫生监督”指执行卫生法规和卫生标准所进行的卫生检查、卫生鉴定、卫生评价和采样检验。 ""Health supervision"" means the sanitary inspection, identification, evaluation and sampling conducted in the implementation of the health law and hygienic standard.
- (一)来自检疫传染病疫区的; (1) having come from a pestilence area;
- (一)来自检疫传染病疫区的; (1) having come from an area where a quarantinable infectious disease is epidemic;
- (六)人的排泄物、垃圾、废水、废物和装自霍乱疫区的压舱水,未经消毒,不准排放和移下; (6) human discharges, rubbish, used water, spent material, and the ballast water filled in the cholera prevalent area are not allowed to be discharged or unloaded without disinfections;
- (七)隐瞒疫情或者伪造情节的; (7) hide the truth of quarantine epidemic disease from the health and quarantine organ or falsify the details of the situation;
- 国务院卫生行政部门主管全国国境卫生检疫工作。 Health administration departments under the State Council shall be in charge of frontier health and quarantine work throughout the country.
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