2.2 任何获得记名股票证书的成员,对因拥有该证书、任何人错误、欺诈使用或陈述造成的损失或负债,应向公司、公司董事和官员进行补偿,使其不受损害。如果记名股票证书磨损或丢失,在提交磨损的证书或以满意的方式证明其丢失后,经支付董事决议可能会要求的补偿后,可以重新更新该证书。2.2 Any member receiving a share certificate for registered shares shall indemnify and hold the Company and its directors and officers harmless from any loss or liability which it or they may incur by reason of any wrongful or fraudulent use or representation made by any person by virtue of the possession thereof. If a share certificate for registered shares is worn out or lost it may be renewed on production of the worn out certificate or on satisfactory proof of its loss together with such indemnity as may be required by a resolution of directors.
2.1 持有公司记名股票的每一个成员应有资格获得公司董事或官员签字的股票证书,盖有确定其持有股票的印章,公司董事或官员的签字和印章可以用传真进行。2.1 Every member holding registered shares in the Company shall be entitled to a certificate signed by a director or officer of the Company and under the Seal specifying the share or shares held by him, and the signature of the director or officer and the Seal may be facsimiles.
[保护用]锌板zinc protector
交错铆zigzag riveting
助消化,除油腻to help digest greasy food
种类繁多wide varieties
质量第一,用户至上quality first, consumers first
可可西里国家级自然保护区?Kokoxili National Nature Reserve
青海湖国家级自然保护区Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve
青海省Qinghai Province
网站导航Site Map
组织机构Organization Organization
分区条例/分区管制办法Zoning ordinance
收益率差/利差Yield spread
染料、颜料、油漆、油墨、农药、塑料Dyestuffs Pigments Paints Printing Inks PESticides Plastics
其它产品Miscellaneous Products
有机化工原料Organic Chemicals
水电建设公司Water and Electricity Construction Company,
信托公司Trust Company,
贸易公司Trading Company,
其它贸易other trade 国际贸易中使用的上述贸易方式之外的贸易方式
赠送present 外国组织或个人赠送给我国组织或个人的物资
捐赠donation 台港澳同胞、华侨、民间团体和个人捐赠给我国的物资
分区定价法zone pricing
零缺陷zero defect
年轻的城市潮流领导者young urban trend setters
苏黎世证券交易所Zurich Stock Exchange
零和游戏Zero-sum game
零票息掉期Zero coupon swap
分区订价Zone Pricing
青年市场Youth market
年度订单Yearly Order