(一)法定验资机构出具的验资报告; (1) A Capital Verification Report issued by a statutory capital verification organization;(一)新办公场所合法使用权证明; (1) a certificate for the lawful right to use the new office; and(一)设立申请书; (1) A letter of application for establishment;(一)开业申请书; (1) A letter of application for opening business;(一)外国财产保险公司董事长或者总经理签署的申请书; (1) A letter of application signed by the Board of Directors or General Manager of the foreign property insurance company;(一)公司董事长签署的申请书; (1) A letter of application signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company;(一)技术出口许可意向书; (1) a letter of intent for licensing the technology export;(一)注册资本最低限额为人民币五亿元; (1) A minimum registered capital of 500 million yuan;(一) 居民企业来源于中国境外的应税所得; (1) A resident enterprise's taxable incomes sourced from outside the territory of China; and(一)外商独资银行、中外合资银行、外国银行分行经国务院银行业监督管理机构批准获得经营人民币业务资格; (1) A solely foreign-funded bank, Chinese-foreign joint-venture bank or branch of a foreign bank shall obtain the qualification for RMB business upon approval of the banking regulatory authority under the State Council;(一)遵守国家法律、法规和政策; (1) abiding by laws, regulations and policies of the State;(一) 大专以上学历; (1) Academic degree above junior college level;(1)接受税务机关依法进行的检查,如实反映情况,提供有关资料不得拒绝、隐瞒; (1) Accepting examination conducted by tax authorities according to law, accurately reporting the situation, providing related materials, he shall not refuse to accept examination and hide the facts;(一)依照本法规定可以不设置帐簿的; (1) accounting books are, in accordance with this Law, not kept;(1)在领取税务登记证件后,向主管税务机关提出领购发票申请,同时提供经办人身份证明、税务登记证件或者其他有关证明以及财务印章或发票专用章的印模。 (1) After receiving the tax registration certificate, filing an application for receiving and purchasing invoices at competent tax authorities and at the same time providing the ID card of the person handling the particular matter, tax registration certificate or other related documents as well as the die of financial seal or the special seal for invoices.(一)宣告破产时破产企业经营管理的全部财产; (1) all property that the bankrupt enterprise operated and managed at the time bankruptcy was declared;(一)宣告破产时破产企业经营管理的全部财产; (1) all property that the bankrupt enterprise operated and managed at the time bankruptcy was declared;(一)宣告破产时破产企业经营管理的全部财产; (1) all property that the bankrupt enterprise operated and managed at the time bankruptcy was declared;(1)所有单位和从事生产、经营的个人,在购买商品、接受服务以及从事其他经营活动支付款项时,应当向收款方取得发票,但不得要求变更品名和金额。 (1) All units and individuals engaging in production and operation, while paying money for the commodities purchased, acceptance of services as well as engaging in other business activities shall obtain invoices from the payee, but they shall not demand changing the name of and money for the products.(一)公司清算组织负责人签署的注销登记申请书; (1) an application for cancellation of registration signed by the person in charge of the company's liquidation group;(一)筹建申请书; (1) An application for preparatory establishment;(一)公司法定代表人签署的变更登记申请书; (1) an application for registration of change signed by the company's legal representative;(一)公司法定代表人签署的设立分公司的登记申请书; (1) an application for registration of establishment of the branch signed by the company's legal representative;(一)技术出口合同登记申请书; (1) an application for registration of the technology export contract;(一)技术进口合同登记申请书; (1) an application for registration of the technology import contract;语际翻译 版权所有
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