

本法所称经营者是指从事生产、经营商品或者提供有偿服务的法人、其他组织和个人。?    ""Business operator"" used in this law refers to legal persons, other organizations or individuals that engage in production or marketing of merchandises or provide paid services.
(一)银行存款;    (1) Bank deposits;
(一)按独立企业之间进行相同或者类似业务活动的价格;    (1) based on prices of the same or similar business activities between independent enterprises;
(一)在按照投资或者提供合作条件进行分配的基础上,在合作企业合同中约定扩大外国合作者的收益分配比例;    (1) Based on the distributing according to investment or cooperation input, the contractual JV contract may regulate an enlarged ratio of income distribution in favor of the foreign party;
(一)投资人为境内商业银行或农村合作银行;    (1) Being a domestic commercial bank or rural cooperative bank;
(一)熟悉中国金融法律、法规;    (1) Being known well with the finance laws and regulations of China;
(一)发行股票或者公司债券的公司董事、监事、经理、副经理及有关的高级管理人员;    (1) Board directors, supervisors, managers, deputy managers, and other relevant senior administrators of companies that issue stocks or corporate bonds;
(一)在协议生效日双方按约定汇率交换人民币与外币的本金,在协议到期日双方再以相同的汇率、相同金额进行一次本金的反向交换;    (1) both parties shall, when the agreement becomes effective, do the exchange at a stipulated exchange rate on the date, and when the agreement becomes expired, make a reverse exchange at the same exchange rate and the same amounts of principals on the date;
(一)营业执照;    (1) business licence;
(一)违背客户的委托为其买卖证券;    (1) Buying or selling securities for clients against their trust;
??? (一)固定业户应当向其机构所在地主管税务机关申报纳税。总机构和分支机构不在同一县(市)的,应当分别向各自所在地主管税务机关申报纳税;经国家税务总局或其授权的税务机关批准,可以由总机构汇总向总机构所在地主管税务机关申报纳税。    (1)Businesses with a fixed establishment shall rep ort and pay tax with the local competent tax autho rities where the establishment is located. If the head office and branch are not situated in the sam e county (or city ), they shall report and pay tax separately with their respective local competent tax authorities. The head office may, upon the app roval of the State Administration for Taxation or its authorised tax authorities, report and pay tax on a consolidated basis with the local competent tax authorities where the head office is located.
(十五)外国银行分行;    (15) branches of foreign banks; and
(二)按再销售给无关联关系的第三者价格所应取得的利润水平;    (2) based on the level of profits obtained from resales in respect of unassociated and unrelated third party prices;
(二)经企业行政主管机关或者其股东会批准;    (2) Being approved by the administrative authority of the enterprise or its shareholders’ meeting;
(二)外国政府债券、国际金融组织债券和外国公司债券;    (2) Bonds of foreign governments, international financial organizations and foreign companies;
(二)中国人民银行分支机构的拆借备案系统;    (2) borrowing filing systems of PBC branches; and
(二)合作企业的经营范围和合作期限;    (2) Business scope and cooperation term;
(二)“外汇指定银行”是指经外汇管理机关批准经营结汇和售汇业务的银行。    (2)""Banks designated to handle foreign exchange"" refers to banks approved by foreign exchange administrations to handle businesses of foreign exchange settlement and sale.
??? (二)固定业户到外县(市)销售货物的,应当向其机构所在地主管税务机关申请开具外出经营活动税收管理证明,向其机构所在地主管税务机关申报纳税。    (2)Businesses with a fixed establishment selling g oods in a different county (or city ) shall apply for the issuance of an outbound business activitie s tax administration certificate from the local co -mpetent tax authorities where the establishment i s located and shall report and pay tax with the lo cal competent tax authorities where the establishm ent is located.
(三)银行帐号证明;    (3) bank account number documentation;
(三)银行存款;    (3) Bank deposits;
(三)破产债权。    (3) bankruptcy claims.
(三)破产债权。    (3) bankruptcy claims.
(三)破产债权。    (3) bankruptcy claims.
(三)按成本加合理的费用和利润;    (3) based on costs plus reasonable expenses and profit margin;
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