轮船,包括各种机动船舶以及不单独计算价值的船上配套设施; ""ships"" includes various types of motor ships as well as auxiliary facilities on ships for which no separate value is computed;(一)证券经纪业务; (1) Securities brokerage business; (一)停止发布广告; (1) Stopping advertising;(一)按照法律、行政法规和国务院规定,企业取得的政府补助免予征收企业所得税的,企业对取得的该项政府补助按接受投资处理,即接受的政府补助资产按有关接受投资资产的税务处理规定计价并可以计算折旧或摊销;该项政府补助资产的价值不计入企业的应纳税所得额。 (1) Subject to the laws, regulations and the provisions of the State Council, if the government subsides acquired by the enterprises are exempted from enterprise income tax, such government subsides acquired by the enterprises shall be taken as investments, that is to say, the assets of government subsides as accepted shall be assessed and may be depreciated or amortized in light of the taxation treatments for investment assets, and the value of such government subsides are not calculated into the amount of taxable incomes of the enterprises.(一)提交仲裁申请书,仲裁申请书应写明: (1) Submit an Application for Arbitration in writing, which shall, inter alia, contain:(一) 向投资者支付的股息、红利等权益性投资收益款项; (1) Such equity investment gains as dividend, bonus paid to the investors;??? (一)向消费者销售货物或者应税劳务的; (1)Sale of goods or taxable services to consumers;1、证券公司:不迟于2004年12月11日允许外商投资,外资比例不超过1/3 (1)Securities companies: Foreign investments shall be permitted no later than Dee. 11, 2004 with the proportion of foreign investment not exceeding 1/3.??? (一)农业生产者销售的自产农业产品; (1)Self-produced agricultural products sold by agr icultural producers;1、船舶:外资比例不超过49% (1)Ship agencies: The proportion of foreign investment shall not exceed 49%.1.放射性矿产的冶炼、加工 (1)Smelting and processing of radioactive mineral products1.稀土冶炼、分离(限于合资、合作) (1)Smelting and separation of rare earth metal (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)1.低品位、难选冶金矿冶炼(限于合资、合作,在西部地区外商可独资) (1)Smelting of gold mines with low quality or difficult to beneficiate (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only, wholly foreign-owned enterprises are permitted in west regions)1.粮食、蔬菜、水果、禽畜产品的储藏及加工 (1)Storage and processing of food, vegetables, fruits, fowl and livestock products10.分段船舶和非机动船舶。 (10) Segmented vessels and non-motor vessels.(十一)证券公司; (11) securities companies;(十三)合作各方之间争议的处理; (13) Settlement of disputes between the parties.(二)非正常压价出售财产; (2) sale of property at abnormally depressed prices;(二)非正常压价出售财产; (2) sale of property at abnormally depressed prices;(二)非正常压价出售财产; (2) sale of property at abnormally depressed prices;(二)证券自营业务; (2) Securities proprietary business;(二)残疾人员个人提供的劳务; (2) Services provided on individual basis by the disabled.(二)持票人对支票出票人的权利,自出票日起六个月; (2) six months from the date of issue of a cheque for the holder against the drawer;(二)风险管理体系稳健; (2) Stable and sound risk control system;(二)持有公司百分之五以上股份的股东; (2) Stockholders holding 5 percent of more of a company's stocks;