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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


??????? 火车,包括各种机车、客车、货车以及不单独计算价值的车上配套设施;    ""railway rolling stock"" includes various types of locomotives, passenger coaches, freight cars, as well as auxiliary facilities on rolling stock for which no separate value is computed;
本条第一款所说的合理的借款利息,是指按不高于一般商业贷款利率计算的利息。    ""Reasonable interest"" mentioned in the first paragraph of this Article refers to interest computed at a rate not higher than normal commercial lending rates.
(一)法人治理结构合理;    (1) Reasonable structure for corporate governance;
(一)拒绝检查;    (1) Reject examination;
(一)在资金、经营、购销等方面,存在直接或者间接的拥有或者控制关系;    (1) relationships in respect of existing direct or indirect ownership of or control over such matters as finances, business operations or purchases and sales;
(一)自开设保险公司的境内托管账户、境外外汇资金运用结算账户和证券托管账户之日起5日内,报告中国保监会和国家外汇局;    (1) Reporting to the CIRC and the SAFE within 5 days after opening domestic custody account, settlement account for overseas use of foreign exchange funds and securities custody account for an insurance company;
(一)经常代表委托人接洽采购业务,并签订购货合同,代为采购商品;    (1) representing principals on a regular basis in the arranging of purchases and signing of purchase contracts and the purchasing of commodities on commission;
(一)要求受让人接受并非技术进口必不可少的附带条件,包括购买非必需的技术、原材料、产品、设备或者服务;    (1) requiring the receiving party to accept any additional condition unnecessary for the technology import, including buying any unnecessary technology, raw material, product, equipment or service;
(一)在发展农、林、牧、渔业生产方面提供下列专有技术所收取的使用费:    (1) royalties received in providing proprietary technology for the development of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries:
15.特种船、高性能船舶的修理、设计与制造(中方相对控股)    (15)Repairing, design and manufacture of special vessels, high-performance vessels (the Chinese party shall hold the relative majority of shares)
15.只读类光盘复制和可录类光盘生产    (15)Reproduction of read-only compact disk and manufacture of recordable compact disk
(2)未按照规定领购发票的;    (2) Receiving and purchasing invoices not according to stipulations;
(二)有关合同、章程、协议书;    (2) relevant contracts, articles of association and letters of agreement;
(二)自保险公司汇出本金或者汇回本金、收益之日起2日内,向国家外汇局报告有关资金的汇出、汇入情况,并抄送中国保监会;    (2) Reporting to the SAFE about the outward and inward remittance of funds within 2 days after an insurance company' outward remittance of principal or inward remittance of principal and earnings and sending a copy of the report to the CIRC;
(二)要求受让人为专利权有效期限届满或者专利权被宣布无效的技术支付使用费或者承担相关义务;    (2) requiring the receiving party to pay exploitation fee for a technology when the term of validity of the patent right in which has expired or the patent right of which has been invalidated, or to undertake other relevant obligations;
(二)限制受方从其他来源引进技术;    (2) restrictions on the licensee to licensing-in technology from other sources;
(二)为科学院、高等院校以及其他科研机构进行或者合作进行科学研究、科学实验,提供专有技术所收取的使用费;    (2) royalties received in providing proprietary technology for scientific institutions, institutions of higher learning and other scientific research units to conduct or cooperate in carrying out scientific research or scientific experimentation;
2、零售(不包括烟草):允许外商投资,但不允许经营书报杂志、药品、农药、农膜、化肥、成品油;不迟于2002年12月11日允许外资比例可达50%,允许经营书报杂志;不迟于2003年12月11日允许外方控股;不迟于2004年12月11日允许外方独资,允许经营药品、农药、农膜、成品油;不迟于2006年12月11日允许经营化肥。    (2)Retailing services (excluding tobacco): Foreign invested enterprises are permitted but can not engage in the distribution of books, newspapers, magazines, pharmaceutical products, pesticides, mulching films, chemical fertilizers, processed oil. The proportion of foreign investment can reach 50% no later than Dec. 11, 2002, and can engage in the distribution of books, newspapers and magazines. Foreign majority ownership will be permitted no later than Dee. 11, 2003. And wholly foreign-owned enterprises will be permitted no later than Dee. 11, 2004, and can engage in the distribution of pharmaceutical products, pesticides, mulching films, and processed oil. The distribution of chemical fertilizers are permitted no later than Dec. 11, 2006.
(三)房地产;    (3) Real estate;
(三)证券持有人名册登记;    (3) Record lists of securities owners;
(三)每月结束后5日内,向中国保监会和国家外汇局报告有关保险公司境内托管账户的收支情况;    (3) Reporting to the CIRC and the SAFE on the balance of domestic custody account of an insurance company within 5 days after the end of each month;
(三)限制受让人改进让与人提供的技术或者限制受让人使用所改进的技术;    (3) restricting the receiving party from improving the technology supplied by the supplying party, or restricting the receiving party from using the improved technology;
(三)限制技术使用过程的改进或发展;    (3) restrictions on improvement or development of the technology in the course of application;
(三)拟任高级管理人员简历及有关证明;    (3) Resume(s) of senior managerial personnel to be appointed and relevant certificates;
(三)决定企业的机构设置,招用或者辞退职工;    (3) right of making decisions for setting up institution and employing and dis missing the staff and workers of the enterprise;
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