- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (六)订立合同; (6) right of signing the contract;
- (七)拒绝接受有关发票问题的询问; (7) Refuse to accept inquiries pertaining to invoices;
- (七)吊销营业执照或者广告经营许可证。 (7) Revocation of the business licences or the licences for advertising operation.
- (七)申请专利、注册商标。 (7) rights of application for patent and registration of trade-mark.
- (七) 特许权使用费收入; (7) royalty income;
- (八)按照《国际收支统计申报办法》、《金融机构进行国际收支统计申报的业务操作规程》、《金融机构对境外资产负债及损益申报业务操作规定》等规定,办理国际收支统计申报; (8) Reporting international balance statistics according to regulations including Measures on Reporting International Balance Statistics, Operational Rules on Financial Institutions' Reporting International Balance Statistics and Operational Regulations on Financial Institutions' Reporting Overseas Assets and Liabilities, and Profits and Losses;
- (九)支付给总机构的特许权使用费; (9) royalties paid to the head office;
- (九)合作企业财务、会计和审计制度; (9) Rules for finance, accounting and auditing;
- (中国国际贸易促进委员会/中国国际商会2000年9月5日修订并通过,2000年10月1日起施行) (Revised and Adopted by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade /China Chamber of International Commerce on September 5, 2000. Effective as from October 1, 2000.)
- ③货物的合理扣耗; (ⅲ) reasonable loss and damage of the goods; or
- *10.公路货物运输公司 *10.Road freight transportation companies
- *4.铁路货物运输公司 *4.Railway freight transportation companies
- 1.公路旅客运输公司 1.Road passenger transportation companies
- 11.研究开发中心 11.Research and development centers
- (三)向市或者区、县工商局办理户外广告内容登记; 3. Register the contents of the outdoor advertisements with the municipal or district / county SAIC; and
- (三)铁路货物运输公司:外资比例不超过49%;不迟于2004年12月11日允许外方控股;不迟于2007年12月11日允许外方独资 3.Rail freight transportation companies: The proportion of foreign investment shall not exceed 49%. Foreign majority ownership will he permitted no later than Dec. 11. 2004. Wholly foreign owned enterprises will be permitted no later than Dec, 11. 2007.
- (五)作为该货物向中华人民共和国境内销售的条件,买方必须支付的、与该货物有关的特许权使用费; 5. royalties related to the goods and to be borne by the seller, which serves as a condition for the sale of the goods within the People's Republic of China;
- (五)作为该货物向中华人民共和国境内销售的条件,买方必须支付的、与该货物有关的特许权使用费; 5. royalties related to the goods and to be borne by the seller, which serves as a condition for the sale of the goods within the People's Republic of China;
- 5.各级广播电台(站)、电视台(站)、广播电视传输覆盖网(发射台、转播台、广播电视卫星、卫星上行站、卫星收转站、微波站、监测台、有线广播电视传输覆盖网) 5.Radio stations, TV stations, radio and TV transmission networks at various levels (transmission stations, relaying stations, radio and TV satellites, satellite up-linking stations, satellite receiving stations, microwave stations, monitoring stations, cable broadcasting and TV transmission networks)
- 5.铁路旅客运输公司(中方控股) 5.Railway passenger transportation companies (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)
- 5.农作物秸秆还田及综合利用、有机肥料资源的开发生产 5.Reusing in fields and comprehensive utilization of straws and stalks of crop, development and production of resources of organic fertilizers
- (六) 关于非法证券活动受害人的救济途径。 6. Remedies available to victims of illegal securities activities.
- (八)按照有关法律法规、基金合同和集合资产管理合同的规定以受托人名义或其指定的代理人名义登记资产; 8. Registering the assets in the name of the custodian or the designated agent in accordance with related laws, regulations, as well as the fund contract or the asset pool management contract;
- 8、公路货物运输公司:不迟于2002年12月11日允许外方控股;不迟于2004年12月11日允许外方独资 8.Road freight transportation companies: Foreign majority ownership will be permitted no later than Dec. 11, 2002. Wholly foreign ownership will be permitted no later than Dec. 11, 2004.
- (九)每月结束后7个工作日内,向中国证监会和国家外汇局报告境内机构投资者境外投资情况,并按相关规定进行国际收支申报; 9. Reporting the conditions relating to the investment outside the territory of China by the QDII to the CSRC and the SAFE within 7 workdays after conclusion of each month, and declaring the balance of payments in accordance with related provisions; and