

本法所称抗辩,是指票据债务人根据本法规定对票据债权人拒绝履行义务的行为。    ""Defense"" as used in this Law means refusal by a person liable for a negotiable instrument to perform his obligations to the creditor in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
(一)关键词定义;    (1) definition of key terms;
(一)损害国家主权或者社会公共利益的;    (1) Detrimental to national sovereignty and public interests;
(一)在资金、经营、购销等方面,存在直接或者间接的拥有或者控制关系;    (1) direct or indirect ownership or control in relation to such areas as capital, business operations and purchases and sales;
(一)因债务人破产,在以其破产财产清偿后,仍然不能收回的;    (1) due to the bankruptcy of the debtor, collection is still not possible after the use of the bankruptcy assets for settlement;
(一)“境内机构”是指中华人民共和国境内的企业事业单位、国家机关、社会团体、部队等,包括外商投资企业。    (1)""Domestic organizations"" refers to the enterprise and institutional units, State organs, social groups, and armed units inside the People's Republic of China. They include foreign-funded enterprises.
1.针状焦、煤焦油深加工    (1)Deep processing of needle coke and coal tar
(一)违反国家规定,擅自将外汇存放在境外的;    (1)Deposition of foreign exchanges abroad without authorization and in violation of State regulations.
1.非金属制品模具设计、制造    (1)Design and manufacturing of non-metal products molds
1.粮食、棉花、油料、蔬菜、水果、花卉、牧草、肉食品、水产品的贮藏、保鲜、分级、包装、干燥、运输、加工的新技术、新设备开发与制造    (1)Development and manufacturing of new technology and equipment for the storage, preservation, classifying, packing, drying, transporting and processing of food, cotton, oil, vegetables, fruits, flowers, pastura plants, meat and aqua-products
1.数字照相机及关键件开发与生产    (1)Development and production of digital cameras and key components
1.林区“次、小、薪”材和竹材的综合利用新技术、新产品开发与生产    (1)Development and production of new technology and products for the comprehensive utilization of ""sub-quality, small wood and fuel wood"" and bamboo in the forest area
1.洁净煤技术产品的开发利用(煤炭气化、液化、水煤浆、工业型煤)    (1)Development and utilization of clean-coal technical product (coal gasification, coal liquefaction, water-coal, industrial lump-coal)
10.民用直升机设计与制造(中方控股)    (10)Design and manufacture of civil helicopters {Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)
10.半导体、元器件专用材料开发、生产    (10)Development and production of materials specific for semi-conductor and components
(十一)公司住所证明。    (11) domicile certificate of the company.
11.航空发动机设计与制造(中方控股)    (11)Design and manufacture of aeroplane engines (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)
12.民用航空机载设备设计与制造(中方控股)    (12)Design and manufacture of civil air-borne equipment (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)
12.新型药用佐剂的开发应用    (12)Development and applications of new variety of adjuvant medicines
14.船舶低速柴油机的曲轴设计与制造    (14)Design and manufacture of crankshafts of low-speed diesel engine for vessel
14.高密度数字光盘机用关键件开发与生产    (14)Development and manufacture of key components for high-density digital compact disk driver
16.民用卫星设计与制造(中方控股)    (16)Design and manufacture of civil satellites {Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)
16.船舶中高速柴油机、辅机、无线通讯、导航设备及配件设计与制造(中方相对控股)    (16)Design and manufacture of the equipment and accessories of high-speed diesel engines, auxiliary engines, radio communication and navigation for vessels (the Chinese party should hold relative majority shares)
16.兽用抗菌药、驱虫药、杀虫药、抗球虫药新产品及新剂型开发与生产    (16)Development and production of new products and new dosage forms of antibiotic medical, anthelmintic, insecticide, anti-coccidiosis medicines used for animals
19.民用运载火箭设计与制造(中方控股)    (19)Design and manufacture of civil carrier rockets (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)
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