机器、机械和其他生产设备,包括各种机器、机械、机组、生产线及其配套设备,各种动力、输送、传导设备等。 "" machinery, mechanical apparatus and other production equipment"" includes various types of machinery, mechanical apparatus, machinery units, production lines, as well as auxiliary equipment such as various types of power, transport and conduction equipment.火车、轮船以外的运输工具,包括飞机、汽车、电车、拖拉机、摩托车(艇)、机帆船、帆船以及其他运输工具。 ""means of transport other than railway rolling stock and ships"" includes airplanes, automobiles, trams, tractors, motor bikes (boats), motorized sailboats, sailboats, and other means of transport.(一)机械制造、电子工业; (1) machine manufacturing and electronics industries;(一)受酸、碱等强烈腐蚀的机器设备和常年处于震撼、颤动状态的厂房和建筑物; (1) machinery and equipment subject to strong corrosion by acid or alkali and factory buildings and structures subject to constant shaking and vibration;(一)公司的经营方针和经营范围的重大变化; (1) Major changes of a company's management policy and management scope;(一)婚姻、收养、监护、扶养、继承争议; (1) marital, adoption, guardianship, support and succession disputes;(一)注册资本和股东结构发生重大变化的; (1) Material change of its registered capital and shareholder structure;(一)合作企业章程的修改; (1) Modification of the articles of association;1.集装箱生产 (1)Manufacture of containers1.数字电视机、数字摄录机、数字录放机、数字放声设备制造 (1)Manufacture of digital television, digital video camera, digital record player, digital sound-playing equipment1.三轴以上联动的数控机床、数控系统及伺服装置制造 (1)Manufacturing of numerically controlled machine tools, digital control system and servomechanism installations which exceed triaxiality linkage(十)涉及公司的重大诉讼,法院依法撤销股东大会、董事会决议; (10) Major lawsuits involving the company and the court's canceling in accordance with law the decisions adopted by the general meeting of stockholders and the board of directors;10.长距离调水工程的调度系统设备制造 (10)Manufacturing of equipment for scheduling system which is used in long-distance transmitting water engineering(十一)以其他单据或白条代替发票开具; (11) Make out other documents or blank notes (IOU) instead of invoices;11.电子专用设备、测试仪器、工模具制造 (11)Manufacture of electronic equipment, testing equipment, tools and moulds11.特种防汛抢险机械和设备制造 (11)Manufacturing of special machines and equipment for flood prevention and emergency rescue11.药品制剂:采用缓释、控释、靶向、透皮吸收等新技术的新剂型、新产品生产 (11)Medicines and pharmaceutics: production of new products and new dosage forms adopting new techniques such as slow release, control release, target preparation and absorbed through skins12.新型电子元器件(片式元器件、敏感元器件及传感器、频率控制与选择元件、混合集成电路、电力电子器件、光电子器件、新型机电元件)生产 (12)Manufacture of new type electronic components and parts (slice components, sensitive components, sensors, frequency monitoring and selecting components, hybrid integrated circuit, electrical and electronic components, photoelectric components, new type components for machinery and electronics)12.食品行业的高速、无菌灌装设备、贴标机等关键设备制造 (12)Manufacturing of key equipment in food industry such as high-speed asepsis canning equipment and brander equipment, etc.13.无汞碱锰电池、动力镍氢电池、锂离子电池、高容量全密封免维护铅酸蓄电池、燃料电池、圆柱型锌空气电池等高技术绿色电池生产 (13)Manufacture of hi-tech green batteries: non-mercury alkali-manganese batteries, powered nickel-hydrogen batteries, lithium-ion batteries, high-capacity wholly sealed maintenance-proof lead-acid accumulators, fuel batteries, pillar-shaped zinc-air batteries13.轻型燃气轮机制造 (13)Manufacture of light gas-turbine engine14.10吨/小时及以上的饲料加工成套设备、关键部件生产 (14)Manufacturing of complete set equipment with a hourly feed processing capacity of 10 tons or more and key spare parts15.卷筒纸和对开以上单纸张多色胶印机制造 (15)Manufacturing of multi-color offset press for web and folio of paper or larger size16.皮革后整饰新技术设备制造 (16)Manufacturing of equipment with new technique for post ornament and processing of leather17.民用卫星有效载荷制造(中方控股) (17)Manufacture of civil satellites effective payload (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)