(一)与生产经营和服务规模相适应的资金和从业人员; (1) having funds and employees in conformity to the scale of business and service of the enterprise;(一)有符合规定的章程; (1) Having the articles of association satisfying the related provisions;(一)有熟悉商用密码产品知识和承担售后服务的人员; (1) Having the personnel who know the knowledge of the commercial password products and bear the after services;(二)具有大学本科以上学历,从事金融或经济工作十年以上,在最近五年内至少有三年以上从事中国业务的经历; (2) Having a bachelor's degree or above, 10 years or more of experiences in finance or economy, and 3 years or more of experiences in undertaking Chinese-related business in the latest 5 years; and(二)资产规模不低于50亿元人民币; (2) Having a registered capital of no less than RMB 5 billion Yuan;(二)固定的经营场所和必要的设施; (2) having fixed place of business and necessary equipment;(2)调出发票查验; (2) Having invoices transferred out for examination;(二)注册资本不低于50万元人民币,为实收货币资本,由投资人一次足额缴纳; (2) Having registered capital of no less than 500, 000 Yuan, which shall be a lump-sum cash capital paid by the investor once for all;(二)有完善的销售服务和安全管理规章制度; (2) Having the consummate selling services and security administration rules and regulations; and(二)危害国家安全的; (2) Hazardous to national security;2.水电设备:15万千瓦及以上大型抽水蓄能机组、15万千瓦及以上大型贯流式机组制造(限于合资、合作) (2)Hydropower plant equipment: manufacture of large pump-storage power units of 150,000kW and over, large tubular turbine units of 150,000KW or over (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)(三)办理外汇资金的汇出、汇入以及相关汇兑手续; (3) Handling the procedures of inward and outward remittance of foreign exchange funds and relevant exchange procedures;(三)品行良好,没有受过刑事、行政处罚等不良记录。 (3) Having a good character and no record of criminal or administrative penalty.(三)公司治理良好,内部控制健全有效; (3) Having a sound corporate governance and a perfect and effective internal control system;(三)有权经常代表委托人签订销货合同或者接受订货。 (3) having authority to represent principals on a regular basis in signing of sales contracts or in accepting of purchase orders.(三)有具备任职专业知识和业务工作经验的高级管理人员; (3) Having professional and experienced senior managers;(三)担任因经营不善破产清算的公司、企业的董事或者厂长、经理,并对该公司、企业的破产负有个人责任的,自该公司、企业破产清算完结之日起未逾三年; (3) having served as a director, the factory chief, or the general manager of a company or enterprise which underwent bankruptcy liquidation as a result of mismanagement, and being personally responsible for such bankruptcy, and completion of the bankruptcy liquidation being less than 3 years ago;(三)有独立的法人资格。 (3) Having the independent corporate capacity.(四)未按规定缴销发票; (4) Hand in invoices for cancellation not according to stipulations;(四)有具备相应专业知识和从业经验的工作人员; (4) Having professional and experienced employees;(四)担任因违法被吊销营业执照的公司、企业的法定代表人,并负有个人责任的,自该公司、企业被吊销营业执照之日起未逾三年; (4) having served as the legal representative of a company or enterprise whose business license was revoked due to its violation of law, and being personally responsible for such revocation, and such revocation occurring less than 3 years ago;(五)有必需的组织机构和管理制度; (5) Having the necessary organizational structure and management systems;(六)办理与上述业务有关的查询; (6) Handling inquiries related to the above operations;(六)有符合要求的营业场所、安全防范措施和与业务有关的其他设施; (6) Having a business place, safety guarantee measures and other business-related facilities satisfying the related requirements; and8.煤的液化、气化及综合利用技术。 (h) technology for the liquefaction, gasification and comprehensive utilization of coal.语际翻译 版权所有
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