(二)询问当事人和与被调查事件有关的单位和个人,要求其对与被调查事件有关的事项作出说明; ( 2) To question people involved, and units and individuals related to the incident under investigation, and to demand that they explain relevant issues related to the incident under investigation;(一)支付给海关的税金、签证费、滞报费、滞纳金、查验费、打单费、电子报关平台费、仓储费; (1) tariffs, visa fees, extension fees, late payments, inspection fees, document fees, electronic customs declaration platform fees and storage fees paid to the customs;(一)纳税人提供应税劳务,应当向应税劳务发生地主管税务机关申报纳税。 (1) Taxpayers providing taxable services shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the taxable services take place.(一)经国家科研部门鉴定证明具有世界先进水平的; (1) technology which is examined and proved by the state scientific and research department as up to the world advanced level;(一)持有有效专利权的技术; (1) technology with valid patent right;(一)企业被撤销未满三年的; (1) that of an enterprise which has been dissolved for less than three years; (一)违反我国法律、法规的; (1) That violates the laws and regulations of the State;(一)危害社会公共秩序或者违反社会公德的; (1) that which harms public order of society or violates social ethics; and一、外商投资的法人企业、分支机构实有数及近两年的增长率; (1) The actual number of foreign-funded enterprises with a status of legal person and branches thereof as well as the growth rate for the last two years.(一)汇票被拒绝承兑的; (1) the bill is dishonored by non - acceptance;(一) 营业执照(副本)或者营业执照的有效复印件; (1) The business license (duplicate) or valid copy of the business license;(一)章程规定的营业期限届满或者章程规定的其他解散事由出现; (1) The business term as described in the articles of association expires, or any other dissolution cause as indicated in the articles of association arises;(一)收购人的名称、住所; (1) The buyer's name and address;(一)经工商行政管理部门登记注册的具有法人资格的公司或者企业,商业银行、证券机构以及《中华人民共和国外资企业法》规定的外资企业除外; (1) The companies or enterprises with the capacity of legal person registered at the administration department of industry and commerce, excluding commercial banks, securities organizations and the foreign-funded enterprises specified in the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Foreign-funded Enterprises;(一)公司有重大违法行为; (1) The company commits a major violation of law;(一)公司被依法宣告破产; (1) the company is declared bankrupt as provided by law;(一)公司财务会计报告和经营情况; (1) The company's financial accounting report and management situation;(一)公司概况; (1) The company's general situation;(一)申请人所在国家或地区具有完善的金融监管法律、法规; (1) The country or region where the applicant is located has perfect laws and regulations on financial supervision;(一)股票获准在证券交易所交易的日期; (1) The date from which trade of stocks is approved to begin in the stock exchanges;(一)采用先进技术和设备,从事新产品开发,节约能源和原材料,实现产品升级换代,可以替代进口的; (1) The enterprise is to adopt advanced technology and equipment, engage in the development of new products, conserve energy and raw materials, and realize the upgrading of products and the replacement of old products with new ones which can be used as import substitutes;(一)已清偿的全部金额; (1) the entire sum he has paid;(一) 已足额提取折旧的固定资产的改建支出; (1) The expenditures for rebuilding a fixed asset, for which depreciation has been fully allocated;(一) 开发新技术、新产品、新工艺发生的研究开发费用; (1) The expenditures for researching and developing new technologies, new products and new techniques; and(一)破产财产的管理、变卖和分配所需要的费用,包括聘任工作人员的费用; (1) the expenses needed for the management, sale and distribution of the bankruptcy property, including the expenses of hiring work personnel;