(一)破产财产的管理、变卖和分配所需要的费用,包括聘任工作人员的费用; (1) the expenses needed for the management, sale and distribution of the bankruptcy property, including the expenses of hiring work personnel;(一)破产财产的管理、变卖和分配所需要的费用,包括聘任工作人员的费用; (1) the expenses needed for the management, sale and distribution of the bankruptcy property, including the expenses of hiring work personnel;(一) 房屋、建筑物以外未投入使用的固定资产; (1) The fixed assets which have not yet been put into use, among which houses and buildings are not included;一、国家工商行政管理局直接登记注册的外商投资企业; (1) The foreign investment enterprises that are directly registered at the State Administration for Industry and Commerce;(一) 从事农、林、牧、渔业项目的所得; (1) The incomes generated from the engagement in agriculture, forestry, husbandry and fishery;(一) 自行开发的支出已在计算应纳税所得额时扣除的无形资产; (1) The intangible assets, which are developed by the enterprise itself and the expenditures have been deducted when calculating the taxable income amount;(一) 国债利息收入; (1) The interest incomes from treasury bonds;(一)上市报告书; (1) The listing report;(一)上市报告书; (1) The listing report;(一)外国投资者作为出资的机器设备、零部件、建设用建筑材料以及安装、加固机器所需材料; (1) The machinery and equipment, parts and components, building materials as well as other materials used as investment by the foreign investor and needed for construction, as well as the installation and reinforcement of machinery;(一)政策性银行的最高拆入限额和最高拆出限额均不超过该机构上年末待偿还金融债券余额的8%; (1) The maximum amount of interbank borrowing or interbank lending for a policy bank shall not be more than 8 percent of the balance of its financial bonds to be repaid at the end of the last year;(一)公司名称和住所; (1) the name and address of the company;(一)名称及住所; (1) The name and the residence;(一)公司名称标明有限责任公司或者有限公司的字样; (1) the name of the company shall be titled with ""limited-liability company"" or ""limited company"";(一)外国投资者的姓名或者名称、住所、注册地和法定代表人的姓名、国籍、职务; (1) The name or designation, the residence and the place of registration of the foreign investor, and the name, nationality, and position of the legal representative;一、标的(指货物、劳务、工程项目等); (1) the object ( referring to goods, labour services, construction projects, ect. ) ;(一)债权人对债务人的债权合法; (1) The obligee's creditor's right against the obligor is lawful;(一)实收资本不低于25亿美元或者其等值的自由兑换货币; (1) The paid-up capital of the agent shall not be less than USD 2.5 billion or equivalent value in a freely convertible currency;(一)新闻、出版、广播、电视、电影; (1) The press, publication, broadcasting, television and movies;一、产品数量,由供需双方协商签订。产品数量的计量方法,按国家的规定执行,没有国家规定的,按供需双方满足的方法执行。 (1) The product quantity term shall be concluded between the supplying and purchasing parties through consultation. The method of measuring product quantity shall be governed by the provisions of the State; in the absence of such provisions, a method agreed upon by the supplying and purchasing parties shall be applied.1.植物油出口退税率下调至5%; (1) The rate of export tax rebate for vegetable oil shall be lowered to 5%;(一) 货币掉期中人民币的参考利率,应为经中国人民银行授权全国银行间同业拆借中心发布的具有基准性质的货币市场利率,或中国人民银行公布的存贷款基准利率;货币掉期中外币参考利率由交易双方协商约定。 (1) the reference interest rate of RMB applied in currency swap shall be a benchmark money market interest rate published by the National Inter-bank Funding Center on the base of the authorization of the PBC or the benchmark deposit/loan interest rate published by the PBC, and at the same time, the reference interest rate of the foreign currency shall be determined by both parties of the transaction upon negotiations;(一)外国保险公司设立的代表机构; (1) The representative office established by a foreign insurance company;(一)对职工劳动的质量和数量要求; (1) the requirements of the quality and quantity of the labour of the staff an d workers;(一)因违法行为或者违纪行为被解除职务的证券交易所、证券登记结算机构的负责人或者证券公司的董事、监事、经理,自被解除职务之日起未逾五年; (1) The responsible people of a stock exchange or a securities registration and account balancing institution, or the directors, supervisors, or managers of a stock exchange who have been removed from office due to practices in violation of the law or of discipline, and it has been less than five years since the day of their removal.