

(二)技术咨询或技术服务;    (2) technical consultancy or technical service;
(二)正在申请专利的技术;    (2) technology with its patent right being applied for; and
(二)定日付款、出票后定期付款或者见票后定期付款的汇票,自到期日起十日内向承兑人提示付款。    (2) ten days after the date of maturity for a bill payable at fixed date, at a fixed period after the date of issue or at a fixed period after sight to be presented to the acceptor.
  (二)损害我国民族尊严的;    (2) That impairs the national dignity of the State;
(二)在申请成立时弄虚作假的;    (2) That it has practiced fraud in applying for establishment;
(二)企业营业执照被吊销未满三年的;    (2) that of an enterprise whose business licence has been revoked for less than three years; or
(二)能明显提高产品在国际市场竞争力的;    (2) that which can markedly improve the competitiveness of the products on the international market;
(二)破坏生态平衡或者危害环境的。    (2) that which undermines ecological balance and harms the environment.
(二)承兑人或者付款人死亡、逃匿的;    (2) the acceptor or the drawee has died or escaped; or
二、外国(地区)企业常驻代表机构及外国企业来华从事生产经营活动企业实有数及近两年增长率;    (2) The actual number of enterprises from foreign countries (regions) and the permanent representative offices thereof that engage in production and operation in China as well as the growth rate for the last two years.
(二) 依法收取并纳入财政管理的行政事业性收费、政府性基金;    (2) The administrative fees and the governmental funds which are levied in accordance with the law and fall under the treasury administration; and
(二)宗旨、经营范围;    (2) The aim and the scope of business operations;
(二)公司债券实际发行额不少于人民币五千万元;    (2) The amount of the bonds issued shall be no less than 50 million yuan;
(二)业务主管单位的批准文件;    (2) the approval document of the competent business unit;
(二)有符合本条例规定的公司章程;    (2) the articles of associations of the company shall conform with the stipulations of these Regulations;
(二)收购人关于收购的决定;    (2) The buyer's decision to make the purchase;
(2)集中统一与因地制宜、照顾历史习惯相结合。    (2) The combination of centralization and unification with acting in light with local conditions and giving consideration to historical habit.
(二)公司情况发生重大变化不符合公司债券上市条件;    (2) The company experiences major changes, which do not conform to the conditions for a company to list its bonds;
(二)公司章程以及由公司的公司登记机关加盖印章的《企业法人营业执照》复印件;    (2) the company's articles of association and a duplicate copy of the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person sealed with the seal of the company registration authority of the company;
(二)公司的重大投资行为和重大的购置财产的决定;    (2) The company's decision concerning its major investment and major property purchase.
(二)公司财务会计报告和经营情况;    (2) The company's financial accounting report and management situation;
(二)申请上市的董事会决议;    (2) The decision adopted by the board of directors regarding listing application;
(二)申请上市的股东大会决议;    (2) The decision made by the shareholders' meeting to have the company listed;
(二)采用本章规定的其他送达方式无法送达。    (2) the document cannot be served through any of the other methods of service outlined in this Chapter.
(二) 租入固定资产的改建支出;    (2) The expenditures for rebuilding a rented fixed asset;
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