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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(二)公司股东会的决议;    (2) The resolution of the meeting of shareholders;
(二) 自创商誉;    (2) The self-created business reputation;
(二)股东决定解散;    (2) The shareholders make a resolution of dissolution; or
(二)分立、合并或其他重大并购活动;    (2) The stock exchange is split up, consolidated or implements any other major merger;
(二)新办公场所电话、传真、邮政通讯地址。    (2) the telephone number, fax number and post address of the new office.
(二)金融资产管理公司、金融租赁公司、汽车金融公司、保险公司拆入资金的最长期限为3个月;    (2) The term of interbank borrowing for a financial assets management company, financial leasing company, auto financing company, or insurance company shall not be more than three months;
(二)合同期限;    (2) the term of the contract;
(二)保险公司的实际投资总额,不得超过国家外汇局核准的投资付汇额度;    (2) The total amount of actual investment of the insurance company shall not exceed the amount of foreign exchange payment for investment approved by the SAFE;
(二)同业拆借成交日期;    (2) The transaction date of interbank borrowing;
二是花样不断翻新,隐蔽性强,欺骗性大,仿效性高。    (2) The unlawful securities activities go on being innovated in manners, with great hiddenness, deceptiveness and imitativeness.
(二) 安置残疾人员及国家鼓励安置的其他就业人员所支付的工资。    (2) The wages paid to the disabled employees or other employees encouraged to hire by the State.
(二)建立健全的业务、财务和安全防范等管理制度;    (2) They shall establish effective administrative systems to safeguard their operations, finances, and security.
(二)可能对公众造成欺骗或者误解的;    (2) those causing fraudulence or misunderstanding to the public;
(二)中国不能生产,或者虽能生产,但在技术性能或者供应时间上不能保证需要的。    (2) Those that cannot be produced in China, or that can be produced in China but cannot be guaranteed to meet the needs in terms of technical performance or time of supply.
(二)变更注册资本;    (2) to change its registered capital;
(二)讨论通过和解协议草案;    (2) to discuss and adopt a draft settlement agreement; and
(二)讨论通过和解协议草案;    (2) to discuss and adopt a draft settlement agreement; and
(二)讨论通过和解协议草案;    (2) to discuss and adopt a draft settlement agreement; and
(二)到纳税人的生产、经营场所和货物存放地检查纳税人应纳税的商品、货物或者其他财产,检查扣缴义务人与代扣代缴、代收代缴税款有关的经营情况;    (2) to inspect a taxpayer's taxable commodities, goods or other property at the taxpayer's places where production or business operations are conducted and places where goods are stored; to inspect a withholding agent's operational conditions in respect of the withholding and remittance of tax or the collection and remittance of tax
(二)未经许可,擅自销售商用密码产品的;    (2) To sell the commercial password products without any licenses; and
(二)销售、运输、保管商用密码产品,未采取相应的安全措施的;    (2) To sell, transport and store the commercial password products without corresponding security measures;
(二)接管并清理企业财产,编制资产负债表和财产目录;    (2) To take over and liquidate the property of the enterprise in question, and to prepare the statement of assets and liabilities and the inventory of property;
(二)代销、包销证券的种类、数量、金额及发行价格;    (2) Types, quantity, monetary amount, and issue price of the stocks underwritten on the commission and sole agency methods;
2.虎骨加工    (2)Tiger-hone processing
(二)确定中央银行基准利率;    (2)to fix the base interest rates for the central bank;
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