

(二)发行人民币,管理人民币流通;    (2)to issue Renminbi(RMB) and control its circulation;
(二)对单位和个人提供担保的;    (2)to provide guaranty for a unit or individual; or
29.火电站脱硫技术及设备制造    (29)Technique for desulfurization of thermal power station and equipment manufacturing
(三)催缴税款通知书;    (3) tax payment call notice;
(三)纳税人销售不动产,应当向不动产所在地主管税务机关申报纳税。    (3) Taxpayers selling immovable properties shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the immovable properties are located.
  (三)有中国旗、国徽、国歌标志、国歌音响的;    (3) That involves designs of the national flag, national emblem or national anthem or the music of the national anthem of the People's Republic of China;
(三)企业因本条第(一)、(二)项所列情况以外的原因办理注销登记未满一年的。    (3) that of an enterprise whose registration has been cancelled for less than one year for the reasons not specified in Items (1) and (2) of this Article.
(三)改造现有企业,具有显著经济效益的;    (3) that which may bring about marked economic results when applied to the technical upgrading of enterprises; and
(三)承兑人或者付款人被依法宣告破产的或者因违法被责令终止业务活动的。    (3) the acceptor or the drawee is declared bankrupt according to law or is ordered to stop business activities for violation of law.
(三)注册资金和各个投资者的出资数额;    (3) the amounts of registered funds and the contribution of each investor;
(三)申请人由其所在国家或地区金融监管当局批准设立或认可;    (3) The applicant is a financial institution established under the approval or ratification of the financial supervision authority of the country or region where it is located;
(三)外资企业章程;    (3) The articles of association of the foreign-capital enterprise;
(三)办理资产转让;    (3) the assets transfer;
(三)已发行的股票、公司债券变动情况;    (3) The changes of stocks and bonds already issued;
(3)加强管理与简化手续相结合。    (3) The combination of strengthened management and simplified procedures.
(三)公司章程;    (3) The company charter;
(三)公司章程;    (3) the company's articles of association;
(三)公司章程;    (3) The company's articles of incorporation;
(三)债务人的债权已到期;    (3) The creditor's right of the obligor is due;
(三)保险公司在同一银行的存款,不得超过国家外汇局核准投资付汇额度的30%,其在境外外汇资金运用结算账户的资金余额不受本项规定限制;    (3) The deposits of an insurance company in the same bank shall not exceed 30% of the amount of foreign exchange payment for investment approved by the SAFE. The fund balance of its overseas settlement account for overseas use of foreign exchange funds shall not be restricted by this provision;
三、外资企业各类证照领取方式(省、区、市统一领取还是被授权局自领);    (3) The drawing methods for each kind of licenses of foreign-funded enterprises (drawing uniformly by each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government or self-drawing by an authorized administration).
(3)使用计算机开具发票,须经税务机关批准,并使用税务机关统一监制的机外发票,开具后的存根联应当按照顺序号装订成册。    (3) The drawing up of invoice with computer should be approved by tax authorities, external invoices made under the exclusive supervision of tax authorities should be used, the stub form of invoices after drawn up should be bound into a book form.
(三)代销、包销的期限及起止日期;    (3) The duration, including the commencement date and deadline of the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods;
(三) 固定资产的大修理支出;    (3) The expenditures for heavily repairing a fixed asset; and
(三)取得有关拒绝证明和发出通知书的费用。    (3) the expenses for obtaining relevant evidence of dishonor and for dispatching notices.
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