

(4)发票限于领购的单位和个人在其所在的省、自治区、直辖市内开具;    (4) The drawing up of invoices is limited within the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities which are the [] of the unit and individual receiving and purchasing invoices;
(四) 已足额提取折旧仍继续使用的固定资产;    (4) The fixed assets for which depreciation has been fully allocated but which are still in use;
(四)组织形式;    (4) The form of organization;
(四) 符合条件的技术转让所得;    (4) The incomes generated from transferring technologies and satisfying the related requirements; and
(四)主要监管指标符合中国人民银行和有关监管部门的规定;    (4) The main supervisory indicators thereof shall conform to the provisions as prescribed by the PBC and other competent regulatory authorities;
(四)外国银行分行的最高拆入限额和最高拆出限额均不超过该机构人民币营运资金的2倍;    (4) The maximum amount of interbank borrowing or interbank lending for the branch of a foreign bank shall not exceed two times of its RMB operating amount;
(四)首席代表移动电话、电子邮箱。    (4) the mobile phone number and email address of the chief representative.
(四)筹建人员名单及简历;    (4) The name list and resumes of the persons in charge of the preparatory establishment;
(四)外资企业法定代表人(或者董事会人选)名单;    (4) The name-list of the legal representatives (or the candidates for members of the board of directors) of the foreign-capital enterprise;
(四)代销、包销的付款方式及日期;    (4) The payment method and payment date for the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods;
4.箱包出口退税率下调至11%,其他皮革毛皮制品出口退税率下调至5%;    (4) The rate of export tax rebate for boxes shall be lowered to 11%, and the rate of export tax rebate for other leather and fur products shall be lowered to 5%;
(四)办理贷款项下的结算;    (4) the settlement under loans; and
(四)已发行的股票、公司债券情况,包括持有公司股份最多的前十名股东名单和持股数额;    (4) The situation concerning stocks and bonds already issued, including the name list of the top 10 stock holders of the company and the numbers of their stocks;
(四)金融机构拆出资金的最长期限不得超过对手方由中国人民银行规定的拆入资金最长期限。    (4) The term of interbank borrowing for a financial institution shall not be in excess of the term of interbank borrowing for the other party as prescribed by the PBC.
(四)同业拆借交易期限;    (4) The term of the interbank borrowing trading;
四、交(提)货期限要按照合同规定履行。任何一方要求提前或延期交(提)货,应在事先达成协议,并按协议执行。    (4) The time limit for delivery ( or taking delivery ) of the goods shall be carried out in accordance with the stipulations in the contract. If any party requests advancement or extension of the time limit for delivery ( or taking delivery ) of the goods, it shall reach an agreement with the other party beforehand, and implement it accordingly.
四、履行的期限、地点和方式;    (4) the time limit, place and method of performance; and
(四)拟设立外资企业的投资总额、注册资本、资金来源、出资方式和期限;    (4) The total amount of investment, the registered capital, the source of funds, and the method of investment contribution and the operation period;
(四)商标的使用;    (4) the use of trademark;
(四)持票人对前手的再追索权,自清偿日或者被提起诉讼之日起三个月。    (4) three months from the date of settlement or filing a lawsuit for the holder's right of re- recourse against the prior parties.
(四)修改章程;    (4) to amend its articles of association; or
(四)查询当事人和与被调查事件有关的单位和个人的资金帐户、证券帐户,对有证据证明有转移或者隐匿违法资金、证券迹象的,可以申请司法机关予以冻结。    (4) To check the funds accounts and securities accounts of the people involved, and the units and individuals related to the incident under investigation. When there is evidence that such funds and securities may be transferred or hidden, it can apply to freeze them at a judicial organ.
(四)询问纳税人、扣缴义务人与纳税或者代扣代缴、代收代缴税款有关的问题和情况;    (4) to make inquiries of a taxpayer or withholding agent regarding the relevant issues and circumstances connected with the payment of tax or the amount of tax withheld and remitted or collected and remitted
(四)擅自转让商用密码产品或者不到国家密码管理机构指定的单位维修商用密码产品的。    (4) To presumptuously transfer the commercial password products or not to repair the commercial password products in the units designated by the State Password Administration Institution.
(四)制定清算方案;    (4) To work out a liquidation plan;
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