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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(四)合作企业的投资总额,注册资本,合作各方投资或者提供合作条件的方式、期限。    (4) Total amount of investment, registered capital of the venture, ways and time limit for each party to contribute investment or provide cooperation input;
(四)私自买卖客户帐户上的证券,或者假借客户的名义买卖证券;    (4) Trading the securities in clients' accounts without their authorization, trading securities in the name of clients;
(四)信托投资;    (4) Trust investment;
(四)向商业银行提供贷款;    (4)to provide loans for commercial banks;
(四)按照规定监督管理金融市场;    (4)to supervise and control the financial market in accordance with regulations;
  (五)弄虚作假的;    (5) That is fraudulent;
(五)拟任高级管理人员的备案材料;    (5) The archival materials of the candidate senior managers;
(五)筹办公司的财务审计报告;    (5) the auditors's report on financial matters relating to the preparations for establishment of the company;
(五)除中国的政府或者企业在境外发行的债券外,保险公司投资信用评级在AA级以下的所有债券余额,按成本价格计算,不得超过国家外汇局核准投资付汇额度的70%;    (5) The balance of all bonds with credit rating of below AA in which an insurance company invests, except the bonds that the Chinese government and Chinese enterprises issue overseas, shall be calculated at cost and not exceed 70% of the amount of foreign exchange payment for investment approved by the SAFE;
(五)地方外贸公司在省(自治区、直辖市)外设立的经营进出口业务的分支机构;    (5) the branch offices set up by local foreign trade companies outside the provinces (autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government) for handling import and export business.
(五)公司发生重大亏损或者遭受超过净资产百分之十以上的重大损失;    (5) The company experiences major economic losses or major economic losses which exceed more than 10 percent of its net assets;
(五)公司被依法责令关闭。    (5) the company is ordered to close down in accordance with law;
(五)公司债券募集办法;    (5) The company's measures regarding raising its bonds;
(五)所在国家或地区的监管当局对其采取重大监管措施;    (5) The competent supervisory authority of the country or region where the stoke exchange is located takes major supervisory measures against the stock exchange; or
(五)出票日期;    (5) the date of issue; and
(五)出票日期;    (5) the date of issue; and
(五)收购股份的详细名称和预定收购的股份数额;    (5) The exact name of the stocks and the amount of stocks subject to purchase;
(五)代销、包销的费用和结算办法;    (5) The fees and settlement method for the securities underwriting on the commission and sole agency methods;
(五) 与经营活动无关的固定资产;    (5) The fixed assets in no relation to the business operations;
(五) 本法第三条第三款规定的所得。    (5) The income as provided for in Paragraph 3, Article 3 of the present Law.
(五)公司的组织机构;    (5) the institution of the company;
(五)同业拆借利率、利率计算规则和利息支付规则;    (5) The interbank offered rate, rules for calculation of such rate and rules for payment of interests;
(五)内部组织机构及其职权和议事规则,法定代表人以及总经理、总工程师、总会计师等人员的职责、权限;    (5) The internal organizational structures and their functions and powers as well as their rules of procedures; the functions, duties and limits of powers of the legal representative as well as of the general manager, chief engineer, chief accountant and other staff members;
(五)合作企业违反法律、行政法规,被依法责令关闭。    (5) The JV is ordered to close by law for having violated laws and decrees.
(五)外国投资者的法律证明文件和资信证明文件;    (5) The legal certifying documents and the credit position certifying documents of the foreign investor;
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