

(三)讨论通过破产财产的处理和分配方案。    (3) to discuss and adopt a plan for the disposition and distribution of bankruptcy property.
(三)讨论通过破产财产的处理和分配方案。    (3) to discuss and adopt a plan for the disposition and distribution of bankruptcy property.
(三)讨论通过破产财产的处理和分配方案。    (3) to discuss and adopt a plan for the disposition and distribution of bankruptcy property.
(三)未经批准,擅自进口密码产品以及含有密码技术的设备、出口商用密码产品或者销售境外的密码产品的。    (3) To import the password products and the equipments containing the password techniques, to export the commercial password products or to sell the password products produced overseas without permit.
(三)责成纳税人、扣缴义务人提供与纳税或者代扣代缴、代收代缴税款有关的文件、证明材料和有关资料;    (3) to order a taxpayer or withholding agent to furnish documents, evidentiary materials and information pertaining to the payment of tax or the amount of tax withheld and remitted or collected and remitted
(三)未经批准,宣传、公开展览商用密码产品的;    (3) To propagandize or openly exhibit the commercial password products without any approval; and
(三)提出财产作价和计算依据;    (3) To propose a basis for the valuation and computation of the property of the enterprise in question;
(三)查阅、复制当事人和与被调查事件有关的单位和个人的证券交易记录、登记过户记录、财务会计资料及其他相关文件和资料;对可能被转移或者隐匿的文件和资料,可以予以封存;    (3) To read, check, and duplicate the records of securities transactions, the records of transfers of securities, financial accounts, and other relevant documents and materials of the people involved, and the units and individuals related to the incident under investigation. It can seal up and keep documents and materials that may be removed or hidden.
(三)合作企业的投资总额,注册资本,合作各方投资或者提供合作条件的方式、期限;    (3) Total amount of investment, registered capital of the venture, ways and time limit for all parties to contribute investment or provide cooperation input.
(三)按照规定审批、监督管理金融机构;    (3)to examine, grant approval to, supervise and administer banking institutions in accordance with regulations;
(三)为在中国人民银行开立帐户的金融机构办理再贴现;    (3)to handle rediscount for baking Institutions that have opened accounts in The People's Bank of China;
(三)擅自动用发行基金的。    (3)to use the issue fund without authorization.
  (四)有反动、淫秽、迷信、荒诞内容的;    (4) That is reactionary, obscene, superstitious or absurd;
(四)厦门市人民政府认为特别需要的;    (4) that which is indispensable to the requirements of the Xiamen City People's Government.
(四)申请人设立二十年以上,运作稳健规范,财务状况良好;    (4) The applicant has been established for more than 20 years, it has a stable operation and, standardization and its financial situation is well; and
(四)除中国的政府或者企业在境外发行的债券外,保险公司投资信用评级在A级的所有债券余额,按成本价格计算,不得超过国家外汇局核准投资付汇额度的30%;    (4) The balance of all bonds with credit rating of A in which an insurance company invests, except the bonds that the Chinese government and Chinese enterprises issue overseas, shall be calculated at cost and not exceed 30% of the amount of foreign exchange payment for investment approved by the SAFE;
(四)《企业法人营业执照》;    (4) the Business License of Enterprise Legal Person; and
(四)收款人名称;    (4) the business or personal name of the payee;
(四)验资报告;    (4) the capital verification report;
(四)未按照公司债券募集办法履行义务;    (4) The company fails to carry out its obligations stipulated by the company's measures for raising bonds;
(四)公司发生重大债务和未能清偿到期重大债务的违约情况;    (4) The company incurs major debts or fails to repay those debts that have come due in violation of an agreement;
(四)公司章程;    (4) the company's articles of association;
(四)公司营业执照;    (4) The company's business license;
(四)公司营业执照;    (4) The company's business license;
(四)债务人的债权不是专属于债务人自身的债权。    (4) The creditor's right of the obligor is not exclusively personal to it.
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