

本法所称危害国家安全的行为,是指境外机构、组织、个人实施或者指使、资助他人实施的,或者境内组织、个人与境外机构、组织、个人相勾结实施的下列危害中华人民共和国国家安全的行为:    ""Act endangering State security"" as referred to in this Law means any of the following acts endangering the State security of the People's Republic of China committed by institutions, organizations or individuals outside the territory of the People's Republic of China, or, by other persons under the instigation or financial support of the afore-mentioned institutions, organizations or individuals, or, by organizations or individuals within the territory in collusion with institutions, organizations or individuals outside the territory:
(一)不应知悉某项国家秘密的人员携带、存放属于该项国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品的;    (1) A person who is not authorized to know a certain State secret is found to bring with him or her or leave in his or her care any document, material or other articles pertaining to that State secret; or
  (一)现役军人停止退出现役,休假、探亲的军人必须立即归队;    (1) Active servicemen must not be discharged from active service, and those on vacation or on home leave must immediately return to their respective units.
??? (一)无商业价值的广告品和货样;    (1) Advertising matters and trade samples of no commercial value;
(十三)满足如下条件的模拟和数字计算装置:    (13) Analogue computers and digital computers having either of the following characteristics:
(十四)具有以下特性之一的模/数转换器:    (14) Analogue-to-digital converter having one of the following characteristics:
(十九)比例误差小于0.25%的加速度表    (19) Accelerometers with a proportional error of 0.25 percent or less;
(二)可以知悉某项国家秘密的人员,未经办理手续,私自携带、留存属于该项国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品的。    (2) A person though authorized to know a certain State secret is found to privately bring with him or her or leave in his or her care any document, material or other articles pertaining to that State secret before going through any necessary formalities.
(二)接受境外机构、组织、个人的资助或者指使,进行危害国家安全活动的;    (2) Accepting financial support or instigation from institutions, organizations or individuals beyond the territory to conduct activities endangering State security; or
(二)高度表    (2) Altimeters;
(二)粒度小于500微米的球形高氯酸铵(过氯酸铵)    (2) Ammonium perchlorate with particle sizes less than 500 mm;
(二十)加速度表测试台    (20) Accelerometer test station;
(二十一)加速度表轴线校准台    (21) Accelerometer axis align station;
(三)管理军事设施;    (3) administering military facilities; and
(三)本清单所列任何项目均包括与之直接相关的技术。    (3) All items listed in this List include their directly related technologies.
(三)违反国家有关规定,改变人民防空工程主体结构、拆除人民防空工程设备设施或者采用其他方法危害人民防空工程的安全和使用效能的;    (3) altering, in violation of the relevant regulations of the State, the major structure of civil air defense works, dismantling equipment or facilities for such works or endangering the safety or impairing the functions of the works by any other means;
(四)出境入境的机场、港口、火车站和其他边境口岸,边防海防哨所。    (4) Airports, harbours and railway stations of entry or exit and other frontier ports, frontier stations and coastal defence stations.
(四)出境入境口岸的适当场所。    (4) Appropriate places of ports of exit or entry.
??? (四)规定数额以内的物品;    (4) Articles of a quantity or value below the fixed limit;
(四)无人航空飞行器的自动驾驶仪    (4) Automatic pilots for UAV;
(六)机场、火车站和港口;    (6) airfields, railway stations and ports;
(六)境外个人违反有关规定,不听劝阻,擅自会见境内有危害国家安全行为或者有危害国家安全行为重大嫌疑的人员的。    (6) Any person beyond the territory who, in violation of the relevant provisions and without paying heed to dissuasion, meets with any person with willful intend within the territory who have conducted activities endangering State security or being strongly suspected of doing so.
(七)烧蚀防热材料    (7) Ablative heat shielding material.
1、“公开领域技术”是指没有传播限制而可以自由获得的技术(包括仅受版权限制的技术)。    (a) ""In the public domain"" as it applies to this List means technology which has been made available without restrictions upon its further dissemination. (Copyright restrictions do not remove technology from being ""in the public domain"".)
1、同时满足如下条件的间歇式搅拌机:    (a) Batch mixers having:
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