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2、""基础科学研究""是指主要为获得贯穿在现象和观察到的事实中的基本原理性知识,而不是为了达到特定的实用目的或目标所进行的实验或理论工作。    ""Basic scientific research"" means experimental or theoretical work undertaken principally to acquire new knowledge of the fundamental principles of phenomena and observable facts, not primarily directed towards a specific practical aim or objective
(二)突发式收发报机,一次性密码本、密写工具;    (2) Burst transceiver, one shot pad for cipher code, or secret writing devices;
(三)营区、训练场、试验场;?    (3) Barracks, training grounds and testing grounds;
  (三)随时准备参军参战,抵抗侵略,保卫祖国。    (3) be always ready to join the armed forces to take part in war, resist aggression and defend the motherland.
(四)能量密度大于40兆焦耳/千克的硼浆    (4) Boron Slurry, having an energy density of more than 40 x 106 J/kg;
2、“基础科学研究”是指主要为获得贯穿在现象和观察到的事实中的基本原理性知识,而不是为了达到特定的实用目的或目标所进行的实验或理论工作。    (b) ""Basic scientific research"" means experimental or theoretical work undertaken principally to acquire new knowledge of the fundamental principles of phenomena and observable facts, not primarily directed towards a specific practical aim or objective.
2、硼    (b) Boron;
2、同时满足如下条件的连续式搅拌机:    (b) Continuous mixers having:
2、黑索金(环三甲基三硝胺RDX)    (b) Cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine (RDX).
2、设计研究    (b) Design research
2、加固的电气线路和分系统的线路设计技术    (b) Design technology for the configuration of hardened electrical circuits and subsystems;
2、进行了加固和抗辐射加固的    (b) Designed as ruggedized or radiation hardened.
2、能设计成符合加固设备的军用技术规范;或    (b) Designed to meet military specifications for ruggedized equipment; or
2、用来承受不小于418焦耳/平方厘米的热冲击和超压不小于50千帕的冲击波综合效应的加固结构    (b) Hardened radome structure designed to withstand a combined thermal shock greater than 418 J/cm2 accompanied by a peak over pressure of greater than 50 kPa.
2、铁素体-奥氏体微观结构(亦称“两相”微观结构),其中奥氏体的体积百分比最少为10%    (b) Having a ferritic-austenitic microstructure (also referred to as a two-phase microstructure) of which at least 10 percent is austenite by volume;
2、端羟基聚丁二烯(HTPB)    (b) Hydroxy-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB).
2、安装(包括现场安装)    (b) Installation (including on-site installation)
2、制造    (b) Manufacture
2、计划    (b) Plans
2、聚酰胺基复合材料    (b) Polyamide composite;
2、液体推进剂的生产设备    (b) Production equipment for liquid propellant;
2、含有硝化粘接剂和5%以上的铝粉的推进剂    (b) Propellant including nitrate bonding agents and with an aluminum (particle) content of 5 percent or greater.
2、用于液体推进剂的、转速等于或大于8000转/分,并且出口压力等于或大于7000千帕的泵    (b) Pumps, for liquid propellants, with shaft speeds equal to or greater than 8,000 RPM or with discharge pressures equal to or greater than 7,000 kPa.
2、派遣熟练工人    (b) Skills
2、为上述工艺过程而专门设计的喷嘴    (b) Specially designed nozzles for the above processes;
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