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2、具有两个或两个以上坐标的数控和程控的铺带机及为其专门设计的软件    (b) Tape-laying machines coordinated and programmed in two or more axes, and specially designed software thereof;
②在规定的工作温度范围内,额定的非线性度高于全量程的0.025%    (B) The rated nonlinearity is better than 0.025 percent of the range in rated temperature scope.
2、拉伸断裂应变等于或大于0.7%    (b) With a tension rupture strain of at least 0.7 percent;
2、铝含量等于或大于97%(按重量计)    (b) With aluminum content of 97 percent or greater;
1、同时满足如下条件的间歇式搅拌机:    Batch mixers having:
??? 进出境运输工具从一个设立海关的地点驶往另一个设立海关的地点的,应当符合海关监管要求,办理海关手续;未办结海关手续的,不得改驶境外。    Before any inbound or outbound means of transport intends to move from one Customs point to another, requirements for Customs control shall be met, Customs formalities shall be followed and any deviation to foreign territory before it is cleared by the Customs is prohibited.
中新社北京三月十四日电 二零零五年三月十四日第十届全国人民代表大会第三次会议通过《反分裂国家法》。全文如下:    BEIJING, March 14 (Xinhuanet) -- The following is the full text of the Anti-Secession Law adopted at the Third Session of the Tenth National People's Congress here Monday:
1、规划    Blueprints
(四)能量密度大于40兆焦耳/千克的硼浆    Boron Slurry, having an energy density of more than 40 x 106 J/kg;
6、硼纤维增强的复合材料    Boron-fibre-reinforced composite;
2、硼    Boron;
但“技术”不包括“公开领域技术”或“基础科学研究”中的技术。    But ""technology"" does not include technology ""in the public domain"" nor ""basic scientific research"".
但是,香港驻军人员非执行职务的行为,侵犯香港居民、香港驻军以外的其他人的人身权、财产权以及其他违反香港特别行政区法律构成犯罪的案件,由香港特别行政区法院以及有关的执法机关管辖。    but offences which are committed by members of the Hong Kong Garrison when not performing their official duties and in such violation of the personal right or property right of Hong Kong residents or other persons who are not of the Hong Kong Garrison or otherwise in such contravention of the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as to constitute crimes, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and the relevant law-enforcing organs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
但是,香港特别行政区法院不得对香港驻军的武器装备、物资和其他财产实施强制执行。    but the said courts shall not enforce judgments or orders on any weapon, equipment, material or other property of the Hong Kong Garrison.
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