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中国国防与国家安全法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(五)硝胺类    (5) Nitro-amines:
(五)硝胺类    Nitro-amines:
??? 海关工作人员不得购买没收的走私货物、物品;购买没收的走私货物、物品的,责令退还,并可以给予行政处分。    No Customs personnel shall purchase confiscated smuggled goods and articles. Those who have done so shall be made to return the goods and articles, and may be subject to disciplinary actions.
不准通过普通邮政传递属于国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品。    No documents or other material and objects classified as state secrets shall be transmitted by ordinary mail.
对协助国家安全机关工作或者依法检举、控告的公民和组织,任何人不得压制和打击报复。    No one may suppress or retaliate against any citizen or organization that has assisted a State security organ in its work or made reports or charges according to law.
国家用于人民防空通信的专用频率和防空警报音响信号,任何组织或者个人不得占用、混同。    No organizations or individuals may use the same frequency or the same acoustic signals as those specially used by the State for civil air defense communications or air defense warning.
不准在公共场所谈论国家秘密。    No state secrets shall be discussed in public places.
不准使用明码或者未经中央有关机关审查批准的密码传递国家秘密。    No state secrets shall be transmitted by plain code or by a secret code that has not been examined and approved by the central organs concerned.
??? 海关依法执行职务,任何单位和个人不得阻挠。    No units or individuals shall obstruct the Customs in performing its duties.
未经登记,任何单位或者个人不得经营核两用品及相关技术出口。登记的具体办法由对外贸易经济合作部规定。    No unregistered unit or individual may export dual-purpose nuclear goods and correlated technologies. MOFTEC shall draw up specific registration procedures.
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