

  (一)军事院校毕业的学员;    (1) graduates of military institutes and academies;
(一)天文陀螺罗盘及其他利用天体或卫星进行导航的装置    (1) Gyro-astro compasses and other devices which derive position or orientation by means of automatically tracking celestrial bodies or satellites;
(十)能使射程为300千米的弹道导弹的精度达到10千米或以下圆公算偏差的制导装置    (10) Guidance sets capable of achieving system accuracy of 10 km or less (CEP) for ballistic missiles with a range of 300 km;
(十二)陀螺/马达运转试验台    (12) Gyro run-in/motor test station;
(十三)陀螺抽气和充气台    (13) Gyro evacuation and filling station;
??? (三)在海关放行前遭受损坏或者损失的货物;    (3) Goods suffering damage or loss prior to Customs release;
  (三)高等院校、中等专业学校毕业的适合担任军官职务的学生;    (3) graduates of institutions of higher learning and secondary technical schools who are fit for officers posts; and
  (三)确定服军官预备役的高等院校毕业学生;    (3) graduates of institutions of higher learning assigned to serve in the officers reserve;
(三)陀螺稳定平台    (3) Gyro stability platform;
(五)额定漂移率小于0.5度/小时的陀螺仪    (5) Gyros with a rated drift rate stability of less than 0.5 degree per hour;
??? (六)中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约规定减征、免征关税的货物、物品。    (6) Goods and articles enjoying duty reduction or exemption in accordance with the international treaties to which the People's Republic of China is either a contracting or an acceding party.
7、生产固体推进剂用的浇注设备    (g) Casting equipment for production of solid propellant;
7、设计资料    (g) Design data
7、难熔陶瓷(如氧化铝)湿纺设备    (g) Equipment for the wet-spinning of refractory ceramics (such as aluminium oxide);
7、镁金属基复合材料    (g) Magnesium matrix composite;
7、书写或记录在磁盘、磁带、只读或可读写存储器等存储介质上的手册和说明书    (g) Manuals and instructions written or recorded on other media or devices such as disk, tape, read-only memories.
7、质量保证    (g) Quality assurance
7、锌    (g) Zinc;
十二、静态或工作状态精度为1毫伽或更好、达到稳态记录时间至多为2分钟的机载或舰载重力仪、重力梯度仪及为其专门设计的部件    12. Gravity meters, gravity gradiometers, and specially designed components therefor, for airborne or marine use, and having a static or operational accuracy of one milligal or better, with a time to steady-state registration of two minutes or less;
五、制导、控制系统设备、部件及相关技术    5. Guidance and Control Set, Components and Related Technologies
  机关、团体、企业事业单位和乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府,依照本法的规定完成兵役工作任务。兵役工作业务,在设有人民武装部的单位,由人民武装部办理;不设人民武装部的单位,确定一个部门办理。    Government organs, public organizations, enterprises and institutions and the people's governments of townships, nationality townships, and towns shall carry out military service work according to the provisions of this Law. Professional work concerning military service shall be handled by the department of people's armed forces or by a designated department where there is no such department.
十二、静态或工作状态精度为1毫伽或更好、达到稳态记录时间至多为2分钟的机载或舰载重力仪、重力梯度仪及为其专门设计的部件    Gravity meters, gravity gradiometers, and specially designed components therefore, for airborne or marine use, and having a static or operational accuracy of one milligal or better, with a time to steady-state registration of two minutes or less;
军事禁区的警卫人员有权依法制止擅自进入军事禁区和破坏、危害军事设施的行为。    Guards of the military restricted zones shall have the right to stop according to law any unauthorized entry into any military restricted zone or any act which damages or endangers any military facilities.
五、制导、控制系统设备、部件及相关技术    Guidance and Control Set, Components and Related Technologies
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