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中国国防与国家安全法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)全国人民代表大会常务委员会、中华人民共和国主席和国务院颁发的荣誉证书、任命书、外交文书;    (1) Certificates of honour, letters of appointment and diplomatic documents issued by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the President of the People's Republic of China, and the State Council;
(一)指挥机关、地面和地下的指挥工程、作战工程;?    (1) Command organs, ground and underground command structures and operations structures;
  (一)家居农村的义务兵退出现役后,由乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府妥善安排他们的生产和生活。机关、团体、企业事业单位在农村招收职工时,对他们给予适当照顾。    (1) Conscripts who are residents of rural areas, when discharged from active service, shall be provided with proper arrangements for their work and livelihood by the people's governments of townships, nationality townships and towns. Government organs, public organizations, enterprises and institutions shall give appropriate preference to them when recruiting staff and workers from rural areas.
(十四)陀螺轴承用的离心架    (14) Centrifuge fixture for gyro bearings;
(二)担负防卫勤务;    (2) carrying out defence duties;
(二)在100赫兹至10000赫兹的频率下,介电常数小于6的陶瓷复合材料    (2) Ceramic composite materials with dielectric constant less than 6 at frequencies from 100 Hz to 10,000 MHz;
(二)中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会主席;    (2) Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference;
  (二)家居城镇的义务兵退出现役后,由县、自治县、市、市辖区的人民政府安排工作。    (2) Conscripts who are residents of cities and towns, when discharged from active service, shall be given jobs by the people's governments of counties, autonomous counties, cities or municipal districts.
(三)被判处刑罚正在服刑的;    (3) convicted persons serving their sentences;
(三)密切配合国家安全机关执行国家安全工作任务,表现突出的;    (3) Cooperating closely with the State security organs in performing tasks for State security, and making outstanding performance in doing so;
(三)各级人民法院和专门人民法院的审判庭;    (3) Courtrooms of the people's courts at various levels and of the special people's courts; and
(四)最终用户证明和最终用途证明;    (4) certificates of the end-user and end-use;
(四)最终用户证明和最终用途证明;    (4) certificates of the end-user and end-use;
  (四)军队的文职干部和个别接收的非军事部门的专业技术人员。    (4) civilian cadres of the armed forces and professional and technical personnel recruited individually from non-military departments.
  (五)确定服军官预备役的非军事部门的干部和专业技术人员。    (5) cadres and professional and technical personnel of non-military departments assigned to serve in the officers reserve.
(五)进行危害国家安全的其他破坏活动的。    (5) committing any other act of sabotage endangering State security.
(六)陶瓷防热材料    (6) Ceramic heat shielding material;
(六)复合推进剂    (6) Composite Propellants:
(七)组合循环发动机    (7) Combined cycle engines;
3、生产液体推进剂用的验收试验设备    (c) Acceptance testing equipment for production of liquid propellant.
3、纤维结构复合材料编织机的成套附件及其改装附件    (c) Adapters and modification kits of weaving machines for fibre structure composites;
3、设计分析    (c) Design analysis
3、能设计或改进成军用,或设计成抗辐射的,并具有如下特性之一:    (c) Designed or modified for military use or designed as radiation hardened, and having one of the following characteristics:
3、上述加固标准的确定    (c) Determination of hardening criteria for the above.
3、图表    (c) Diagrams
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