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中国国防与国家安全法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


3、在受控环境中生产雾化的或球状的金属粉末的设备    (c) Equipment for the production of atomized or spherical metallic powder in a controlled environment;
3、具有以下任何形状:    (c) Having any of the following forms:
3、总成    (c) Integration
3、满足如下条件的等静压机:    (c) Isostatic presses having all of the following characteristics:
3、镁    (c) Magnesium;
3、维护    (c) Maintenance
3、聚碳酸脂复合材料    (c) Polycarbonate composite;
3、培训    (c) Training
3、热膨胀系数等于或小于2.75×10-6/摄氏度(在20摄氏度至982摄氏度温度范围内测得)    (c) With a heat expansion coefficient of at least 2.75′10-6 (measured at temperatures from 20 °C to 982 °C).
3、粒度小于500微米    (c) With diameter of less than 500 mm.
一、能把500千克以上有效载荷投掷到300千米以上的完整弹道导弹、运载火箭、探空火箭、巡航导弹和无人驾驶航空飞行器,以及为其专门设计的生产设施    1. Complete ballistic missiles, space launch vehicles, sounding rockets, cruise missile and unmanned air vehicles that can be used to deliver at least a 500 kg payload to a range of at least 300 km as well as the specially designed production facilities therefor.
十六、用来降低雷达波反射特性的涂料    16. Coatings specially designed for reduced radar reflectivity.
十七、专门设计用来降低光学反射或辐射的涂料    17. Coatings specially designed for reduced optical reflectivity or emissivity.
(四)最终用户证明;    4. Certificate of the terminal purchaser;
(五)最终用户证明;    5. Certificate of the final end-user;
(六)接受方依照本条例第五条规定提供的保证证明;    6. Certificate of pledge by the recipient as required by Article 5 of these regulations;
(2)具有能够打开的搅拌室    Capability to open the mixing chamber
说明:国徽的内容为国旗、天安门、齿轮和麦稻穗。象征中国人民自“五四”运动以来的新民主主义革命斗争和工人阶级领导的以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的新中国的诞生。    Caption: Comprising the National Flag, Tian'anmen, a cogwheel and ears of wheat and rice, the National Emblem symbolizes the new-democratic revolutionary struggle waged by the Chinese people since the May 4th Movement in 1919, as well as the birth of the New China under the people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants.
5、碳纤维增强的复合材料    Carbon-fibre-reinforced composite;
1、端羧基聚丁二烯(CTPB)    Carboxl-terminated polybutadiene (CTPB);
??? 外国船舶违反中华人民共和国法律、法规的,由中华人民共和国有关机关依法处理。    Cases of foreign ships violating the laws or regulations of the People's Republic of China shall be handled by the relevant organs of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the law.
香港驻军人员非执行职务的行为引起的民事侵权案件,由香港特别行政区法院管辖;    Cases of tort arising from acts committed by members of the Hong Kong Garrison when not performing their official duties shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;
执行职务的行为引起的民事侵权案件,由中华人民共和国最高人民法院管辖,侵权行为的损害赔偿适用香港特别行政区法律。    cases of tort arising from acts committed by members of the Hong Kong Garrison when performing their official duties shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China, and compensation for any loss or injury incurred by acts of tort shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
报国务院批准的,不受本条例第十一条规定时限的限制。    Cases referred to the State Council for approval are not subjected to the time limit restraint prescribed in Article 11 of these regulations.
报国务院审批的,不受本条例第十条规定时限的限制。    Cases submitted to the State Council for examination and approval shall not be subject to the time limit stipulated in Article 10 of these regulations.
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