(二)参加间谍组织或者接受间谍组织及其代理人的任务的; (2) joining an espionage organization or accepting a mission assigned by an espionage organization or by its agent;10、总体设计 (j) Integration system design10、生产固体推进剂用的机加工设备 (j) Machining equipment for production of solid propellant;10、用于复合材料结构件、层压板材和制品的预成型件加压、固化、浇注、热压或粘接的注模、芯模、压模和工装夹具等 (j) Moulds, mandrels, dies, fixtures and tooling for the preform pressing, curing, casting, sintering or bonding of composite structures, laminates and manufactures thereof.被羁押的人员所涉及的案件,依照本法第二十条的规定确定管辖。 Jurisdiction over the case involving the person in custody shall be determined in accordance with the provisions in Article 20 of this Law.