(一)国家事务的重大决策中的秘密事项; (1) secrets concerning major policy decisions on state affairs; (一)可以直接任命为军官的士兵; (1) soldiers who can be appointed directly as officers; and(一)系统建模、仿真或总体设计的专用软件及相关模拟和数字计算机 (1) Specially designed software, or analogue and digital computers thereof, for modeling, simulation, or design integration of the systems;(一)结构复合材料,包括各种复合材料结构件、层压板和制品,以及以树脂或金属为基体的用纤维和丝材增强而制成的各种预浸件和预成形件,其中增强材料的比拉伸强度大于7.62×104米和比模量大于3.18×106米 (1) Structural composites, including composite structures, laminates, and manufactures thereof, and resin impregnated fibre prepregs and metal coated fibre preforms therefor, made with either organic matrix or metal matrix utilizing fibrous or filamentary reinforcements having a specific tensile strength greater than 7.62 x 104 m and a specific modulus greater than 3.18 x 106 m:(十八)生产环形激光陀螺用的表面光度仪 (18) Surface profilometer for ring laser gyro production;(二)国防建设和武装力量活动中的秘密事项; (2) secrets in the building of national defence and in the activities of the armed forces;(二)用来事后处理记录数据,从而能够确定飞行器在整个飞行轨迹中的位置的软件 (2) Software which processes post-flight, recorded data, enabling determination of vehicle position throughout its flight path. (二)在不建立民兵组织的单位,经过预备役登记的二十九岁至三十五岁的退出现役的士兵,以及其他符合士兵预备役条件的男性公民。 (2) soldiers aged between 29 and 35 who have been discharged from active service and have registered for reserve service as well as other male citizens qualified for reserve service in work units where no militia organizations are to be established. (二)在不建立民兵组织的单位 , 经过预备役登记的二十八岁以下的退出现役的士兵; (2) soldiers under the age of 28 who have been discharged from active service and have registered for reserve service in work units where no militia organizations are to be established; and (二)确定服军官预备役的退出现役的士兵; (2) soldiers who have been discharged from active service and assigned to serve in the officers reserve; (二)在中央军事委员会批准开办的培训军官的机构受训后,经考核适合担任军官职务的士兵; (2) soldiers who have been trained at officers training centres established with the approval of the Central Military Commission and who are considered after assessment to be fit for the posts of officers;(二)盗窃军事设施的装备、物资、器材的;? (2) Stealing the equipment, goods and materials of military installations;(二)盗窃、抢夺、抢劫军事设施的装备、物资、器材的;? (2) Stealing, seizing or robbing equipment, goods or materials of military installations;(二)以不正当竞争手段排挤竞争对手; (2) Supplant competitors with unfair competitive means;(二十二)为陀螺或加速度表专门设计的试验、标定和校准装置 (22) Specially designed test, calibration, and alignment equipment for gyro or accelerometer.(三)外交和外事活动中的秘密事项以及对外承担保密义务的事项; (3) secrets in diplomatic activities and in activities related to foreign countries as well as secrets to be maintained as commitments to foreign countries;(三)六十厘米。 (3) Sixty centimetres.(三)同时满足如下条件的球形铝粉: (3) Spherical aluminum powder meeting the following requirements:(三)窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供国家秘密的; (3) stealing, secretly gathering, buying, or unlawfully providing State secrets; (三)和平统一的步骤和安排; (3) steps and arrangements for peaceful national reunification;(四)场景绘图及相关设备(包括数字和模拟设备) (4) Scene mapping and correlation (both digital and analog) equipment;(四)国民经济和社会发展中的秘密事项; (4) secrets in national economic and social development;(四)保护免受电磁脉冲、X射线、冲击波和热辐射综合效应损害的装置 (4) Structure for protection against electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and X-rays and shock wave and combined blast and thermal effects:(四)为维护国家安全,与危害国家安全的犯罪分子进行斗争,表现突出的; (4) Struggling against the criminals whose activities endanger State security so as to safeguard State security, and making outstanding performance in doing so; or(五)超燃冲压喷气发动机 (5) Scramjet engines;