(五)科学技术中的秘密事项; (5) secrets concerning science and technology;(五)特种钢材 (5) Special Steel:(六)维护国家安全活动和追查刑事犯罪中的秘密事项; (6) secrets concerning activities for safeguarding state security and the investigation of criminal offences; and(六)军用公路、铁路专用线、军用通信、输电线路、军用输油、输水管道;? (6) Special military highways and railways, military communication lines and transmission lines, military oil and water pipelines; and(八)推力大于或等于90千牛顿的可贮存推进剂液体火箭发动机 (8) Storable liquid propellant rocket engines, having a thrust force of 90 kN or greater;(九)总冲大于或等于1100千牛顿.秒的固体火箭发动机 (9) Solid propellant rocket engines, having a total impulse capacity of 1100 kN·s or greater;十四、降低雷达波反射特性的结构件 14. Structure specially designed for reduced radar reflectivity.十五、用来降低雷达波反射特性的结构材料 15. Structural material specially designed for reduced radar reflectivity.四、固体推进剂及其组分 4. Solid Propellant and Propellant Constituents维护国家主权和领土完整是包括台湾同胞在内的全中国人民的共同义务。 Safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity is the common obligation of all Chinese people, the Taiwan compatriots included.(四)场景绘图及相关设备(包括数字和模拟设备) Scene mapping and correlation (both digital and analog) equipment;(五)超燃冲压喷气发动机 Scramjet engines;??? 海关加施的封志,任何人不得擅自开启或者损毁。 Seals affixed by the Customs shall not be opened or broken by any person without authorization.??? 海关加施的封志,任何人不得擅自开启或者损毁。 Seals affixed by the Customs shall not be opened or broken by any person without Customs authorization.海员证由港务监督局或者港务监督局授权的港务监督颁发, Seamen's papers shall be issued by the Bureau of Harbour Superintendence or a harbour superintendent authorized by the bureau.政党的秘密事项中符合本法第二条规定的,属于国家秘密。 Secrets of political parties that conform with the provisions of Article 2 of this Law shall be state secrets.经批准复制、摘抄的绝密级的国家秘密文件、资料和其他物品,依照前款规定采取保密措施。 Security measures shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, for approved copies or extracts of documents and other material and objects classified as "" most confidential "" state secrets.1、绝压等于或大于7000千帕时流量等于或大于24升/分和作动器响应时间小于100微秒的伺服阀 Servo valves designed for flow rates of 24 liters per minute or greater, at an absolute pressure of 7,000 kPa or greater, that have an actuator response time of less than 100 microseconds;(2)宽度等于或大于600毫米和厚度等于或小于3毫米的薄板 Sheets having a width of 600 mm or more and a thickness of 3 mm or less;2、派遣熟练工人 Skills(二)用来事后处理记录数据,从而能够确定飞行器在整个飞行轨迹中的位置的软件 Software which processes post-flight, recorded data, enabling determination of vehicle position throughout its flight path四、固体推进剂及其组分 Solid Propellant and Propellant Constituents(九)总冲大于或等于1100千牛顿·秒的固体火箭发动机 Solid propellant rocket engines, having a total impulse capacity of 1100 kN·s or greater; 解决台湾问题,实现祖国统一,是中国的内部事务,不受任何外国势力的干涉。 Solving the Taiwan question and achieving national reunification is China's internal affair, which subjects to no interference by any outside forces.(五)特种钢材 Special Steel:语际翻译 版权所有
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