- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 解散之公司 a dissolved company
- 抛弃(继承) abandonment
- 亲权滥用 abuse of parental rights
- 学术自由 academic freedom
- 学术审议 academic performance review
- 从契约 accessory contract
- 会计长室 Accountant- General
- 会计长 Accountant-General
- 会计法 Accounting Act
- 会计室 Accounting Office
- 公证书 acknowledgement
- 认领 Acknowledgment
- 取得时效 acquisitive prescription
- 无罪 Acquitted
- 促进产业升级条例 Act for Upgrading Industries
- 票券金融管理法 Act Governing Bills Finance Business
- 饮用水管理条例 Act Governing Drinking Water Management
- 主计机构人员设置管理条例 Act Governing Establishment and Management of Budgetary, Accounting and Statistics Agencies and Personnel
- 自由贸易港区设置管理条例 Act Governing Establishment and Management of Free Ports
- 科学工业园区设置管理条例 Act Governing Establishment and Management of Science-Based Industrial Park
- 汉翔航空工业股份有限公司设置条例 Act Governing Establishment of Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation
- 国防工业发展基金设置条例 Act Governing Establishment of National Defense Industry Development Fund
- 国际合作发展基金会设置条例 Act Governing Establishment of the International Cooperation and Development Fund
- 民事诉讼费用法 Act Governing Fees of Civil Actions
- 政府发展经济社会向国外借款及保证条例 Act Governing Foreign Loans and Guarantee for Government to Develop Economy and Society
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