- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 姓名条例 Act of Naming
- 票据法 Act of Negotiable Instruments
- 动产担保交易法 Act of Secured Transactions for Movable Property
- 监督寺庙条例 Act of the Supervision of Temple
- 公职人员财产申报法 Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants
- 战时交通电业设备及器材防护条例 Act on Protection of Communicational Electric Equipment and Facilities during War Period
- 公职人员利益冲突回避法 Act on Recusal of Public Servants Due to Conflicts of Interest
- 促进民间参与公共建设法 Actfor Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects
- 再审之诉 action for retrial
- 再审 action for retrial; appeal for retrial; retrial
- 年功俸 Additional Senior-increases over Basic Pay Rate
- 审议案件 Adjudication Cases
- 破产宣告 adjudication of bankruptcy
- 破产宣告 adjudication of bankruptcy
- 审判机关 adjudicative body; adjudicative body
- 执行公司业务 administration of corporate affairs
- 行政处分 administrative act
- 行政处分 Administrative Act
- 确认诉讼 Administrative Actions for Declaration
- 课予义务诉讼 Administrative Actions for Effecting;an Administrative Act
- 撤销诉讼 Administrative Actions for Revocation
- 行政机关 administrative agency
- 行政诉愿 administrative appeal
- 诉愿法 Administrative Appeal Act
- 诉愿 administrative appeals