- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 违法行为 illegal conduct
- 普通疾病补助费 illness benefits
- 立即救护 immediate assistance
- 入出国及移民法 Immigration Act
- 迫在眉睫的危险 imminent danger
- 弹劾 Impeachment
- 弹劾权 impeachment power
- 台湾省放领公有耕地扶植自耕农实施要点 Implemental Guidelines for the Release of Government-Owned Tillable Land to Self-tilling Farmers in Taiwan Province
- 国立阳明医学院医学系公费学生待遇及毕业后分发服务实施要点 Implemental Guidelines on Remuneration of Public-Funded Students of National Yan-Ming Medical School and Assignment after Their Graduation
- 行宪 implementation of the Constitution
- 科处行政罚锾 imposition of administrative fines
- 交通工具排放空气污染物罚锾标准 Imposition of Fine Standards for Air Pollution Exhausted by Motor Vehicles
- 有期徒刑 imprisonment
- 不当行为 improper conduct
- 不合法 Improper Form
- 书面 in writing
- 现役军人 in-active-service soldiers
- 就职 inauguration
- 先天性痼疾 inborn chronic disease
- 利息所得 income from interest
- 所得税 income tax
- 所得税法 Income Tax Act
- 所得税免税额 income tax exemption
- 不确定法律概念 indefinite concepts of law
- 抚恤 Indemnity
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