- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 广播电视法 Radio and Television Act
- 常备军官 ranked military officer
- 批准 ratification
- 追认 ratification
- 再审议案件 Re-adjudication Cases
- 转投资 re-investment
- 再提名 re-nomination
- 再犯 Re-offense
- 不动产估价师法 Real Estate Appraiser Act
- 不动产经纪业管理条例 Real Estate Broking Management Act
- 不动产 real property
- 合理确信 reasonable assurance
- 反证 rebuttal evidence
- 反证 rebuttal evidence
- 召集 recall
- 罢免 recall
- 增资变更登记 recapitalization registration
- 会客室 Reception Room
- 大法官会客室 Reception Room of the Justices of the Constitutional Court
- 累犯 recidivist
- 领受人 recipient
- 地上权登记 recordation of superficies
- 登记 recording
- 康乐室 Recreation Room
- 法官回避 recusal by a judge
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