- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 人身保护令状 habeas corpus
- 提审法 Habeas Corpus Act
- 提审案件 Habeas Corpus Cases
- 舱口单 Hatch List
- 农民健康保险 health insurance for farmers
- 高等行政法院 High Administrative Courts
- 高等法院 High Courts
- 最高司法审判机关 highest adjudicative organ
- 最高司法行政机关 highest judicial administrative organ
- 雇佣 Hire of Services
- 承揽 Hire of Work
- 车祸逃逸 hit-and-run
- 驾车肇事逃逸 hit-and-run accident
- 自用住宅 homestead; residence for own use
- 温泉法 Hot Spring Act
- 神坛 house of worship
- 房屋税 house tax
- 房屋税条例 House Tax Act
- 家属 household
- 户籍法 Household Registration Act
- 户籍 household registry
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