(一)国防、外交等国家行为; (1) acts of the state in areas like national defence and foreign affairs;(一)对行政法规、规章或者具有普遍约束力的决定、命令不服的; (1) administrative regulations, rules, or decisions and orders with a general binding force;(一)涂改、倒卖、出租、出借行政许可证件,或者以其他形式非法转让行政许可的; (1) Altering, buying and selling at a profit, leasing or lending a certificate of administrative license, or transferring an administrative license by other illegal means;(一)行政许可有效期届满未延续的; (1) An administrative license fails to be extended at the expiry of its valid period;(一)对拘留、罚款、吊销许可证和执照、责令停产停业、没收财物等行政处罚不服的; (1) an administrative sanction, such as detention, fine, rescission of a license or permit, order to suspend production or business or confiscation of property, which one refuses to accept;(一)对拘留、罚款、吊销许可证和执照、责令停产停业、没收财物等行政处罚不服的; (1) an administrative sanction, such as detention, fine, rescission of a permit or a licence, order to suspend production or business operations or confiscation of property and article, which one refuses to accept;1、 被中国政府驱逐出境,未满不准入境年限的; (1) An alien expelled by the Chinese Government and before the expiry of the period when his/her re-entry is prohibited;(一) 主持本级人民代表大会代表的选举; (1) assume responsibility for the election of deputies to the people's congress at the corresponding level;(一)隐瞒事实真相、出具伪证或者隐匿、转移、篡改、毁灭证据的; (1) Attempt to cover up the truth, present false evidence, or to hide, remove, alter, and destroy evidence;10、 其他被邀请确实来不及在上述中国驻外机关申请签主,并持有指定的主管部门同意在口岸申办签证的函电的。 (10) As other invitees who really do not have enough time to apply for visas to the above-mentioned Chinese agencies abroad but hold letters or telegrams from designated competent authorities approving the application for visas at port visa agencies.(二)对限制人身自由或者对财产的查封、扣押、冻结等行政强制措施不服的; (2) a compulsory administrative measure, such as restricting freedom of the person or the sealing up, seizing or freezing of property, which one refuses to accept;(二)对限制人身自由或者对财产的查封、扣押、冻结等行政强制措施不服的; (2) a compulsory administrative measure, such as restriction of personal freedom or the sealing up, distraint or freezing of property, which one refuses to accept;(二)超越法定职权作出准予行政许可决定的; (2) A decision on approving an administrative license is made due to the decision-makers' excess of their statutory power;(二)受理对国家行政机关、国家公务员和国家行政机关任命的其他人员违反行政纪律行为的控告、检举; (2) Accept the handling of charges and reports leveled against acts of administrative discipline violations by state administrative organs, government functionaries, and by other personnel appointed by state administrative organs;(二)刻字业承制公章违反管理规定,尚未造成严重后果的; (2) accepting orders to engrave official seals in violation of administrative provisions, but not having caused serious consequences;(二)检举、揭发行政机关工作人员的违法失职行为; (2) accusing or exposing violations of laws or negligence by the staff of administrative authorities;(二)行政法规、规章或者行政机关制定、发布的具有普遍约束力的决定、命令; (2) administrative rules and regulations, regulations, or decisions and orders with general binding force formulated and announced by administrative organs;(二)赋予公民特定资格的行政许可,该公民死亡或者丧失行为能力的; (2) An administrative license grants a citizen special qualification, but the citizen is dead or loses capacity for action;2、 被认为入境后可能进行恐怖、暴力、颠覆活动的; (2) An alien considered likely to engage in terrorism, violence or subversion upon entering China;(二)复议申请不符合本条例第三十一条规定之一的,裁决不予受理并告之理由; (2) applications for reconsideration that are not in conformity with one of the provisions in Article 31 of these Regulations shall not be accepted and the applicant shall be notified of the reasons for this decision;(二)国家机关、政党、社会团体、企业事业组织依照法律、组织章程举行的集会。 (2) assemblies held by state organs, political parties, public organizations, enterprises or institutions in accordance with law or the relevant articles of association.(三)违反法定程序作出准予行政许可决定的; (3) A decision on approving an administrative license is made in violation of the statutory procedures;(三)法人或者其他组织依法终止的; (3) A legal person or any other institution terminates in accordance with the law;(三)涂改、伪造档案的; (3) altering or forging archives;(三)擅自变更机构名称的; (3) Altering titles of agencies without authorization;