(四)擅自超过核定的编制使用工作人员的; (4) Using functionaries other than the staffing determined through verification without authorization; and(五)以暴力、威胁或者其他方法阻碍人民法院工作人员执行职务或者扰乱人民法院工作秩序的; (5) using violence, threats or other means to hinder the personnel of a people's court from performing their duties or disturbing the order of the work of a people's court;四、 因反革命案或者其他严重刑事犯罪案被羁押,正在受侦查、起诉、审判的人,经人民检察院或者人民法院决定,在被羁押期间停止行使选举权利。 4. Upon decision by a people's procuratorate or a people's court, people who are held in custody for involvement in counterrevolutionary cases or in other serious criminal cases and who are subject to investigation, prosecution or trial shall be suspended from exercising their voting rights as long as they are in custody.在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,经行政机关负责人批准,可以先行登记保存,并应当在七日内及时作出处理决定,在此期间,当事人或者有关人员不得销毁或者转移证据。 under circumstances where there is a likelihood that the evidence may be destroyed or lost, or difficult to obtain later, administrative organs may, with the approval of their leading members, first register the evidence for preservation and shall make a timely decision on its disposition within seven days. During this period of time, the party and other persons concerned may not destroy or transfer the evidence.情况复杂的,时限可以适当延长。 Under complicated circumstances, the prescribed period may be extended appropriately.在档案的收集、整理、保护和提供利用等方面成绩显著的单位或者个人,由各级人民政府给予奖励。 Units and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in the collection, arrangement and protection of archives and in making them available to users shall be rewarded by the people's governments at the relevant levels.对私自雇用外国人的单位和个人,在终止其雇用行为的同时,可以处5000元以上、50000元以下的罚款,并责令其承担遣送私自雇用的外国人的全部费用。 Units and individuals who employ aliens without permission shall terminate employment of the said aliens and may at the same time be fined from 5,000 to 50,000 yuan (RMB), and be ordered to cover all the expenses of repatriating the aliens whom they had employed.各执收、执罚单位要严格按照批准的收费项目、罚没款项和上缴渠道,将收取的行政性收费和罚没收入按规定及时、足额分别缴入国库和财政预算外资金专户,做到应缴尽缴。 Units in charge of collecting fees and imposing fines shall, firmly based on approved charging projects, items of money from fines and confiscations and procedure of handling, hand over administrative charges and incomes from fines and confiscations, in full and on time, respectively to the state treasure and the special account for non-budgetary financial funds, ensuring full sums of money in place.上级行政机关发现下级行政机关对信访事项的处理、复查确有错误的,有权直接处理或者责成下级行政机关重新处理。 Upon discovery of a mistake made by a lower administrative authority erred in the decision or review of a complaint reporting matter, a higher administrative authority shall have the power to take over the matter for decision or to instruct the lower administrative authority to make a new decision.县级以上地方各级人民政府所属部门接到报告后,应当立即报告本级人民政府和上一级主管部门;必要时,通报有关主管部门。 Upon receipt of such report, the department of the local people’s government at various levels at or above the county level shall immediately report the matter to the people’s government at the same level and the responsible department at the next higher level, and notify other relevant responsible departments if necessary.地方各级人民政府接到报告后,应当立即报告上一级人民政府;必要时,通报有关主管部门。 Upon receipt of such report, the local people’s government at various levels shall immediately report the matter to the people’s government at the next higher level and notify relevant responsible departments when necessary.国务院有关部门接到报告后,应当立即报告国务院;必要时,通报有关主管部门。 Upon receipt of the report, the relevant department of the State Council shall, immediately report the matter to the State Council and notify relevant responsible departments when necessary.在特殊或者紧急的情况下,经国务院同意,国务院议事协调机构可以规定临时性的行政管理措施。 Upon the consent of the State Council, the deliberation and coordination agencies of the State Council shall stipulate interim administrative measures under special or urgent circumstances.