(一)虚报、瞒报统计资料的; (1) making false entries in statistical data or concealing statistical data;(一)挪用、转借机动车辆牌证或者驾驶证的; (1) misappropriating, borrowing or lending vehicle license plates or a driver's license;(二)制作、复制、出售、出租或者传播淫书、淫画、淫秽录像或者其他淫秽物品的。 (2) making, duplicating, selling, lending or distributing pornographic books, pictures, video tapes or other pornographic objects.(二)违反爆炸、剧毒、易燃、放射性等危险物品管理规定,生产、销售、储存、运输、携带或者使用危险物品,尚未造成严重后果不够刑事处罚的; (2) making, storing, transporting or using dangerous objects, in violation of regulations concerning the control of dangerous objects such as explosives, deadly poisons, combustibles and radioactive elements, but not having caused serious consequences;(二)物证; (2) material evidence;(二)违反行政纪律取得的财物,依法应当没收、追缴或者责令退赔的。 (2) Money and goods obtained through the violation of administrative discipline, which should be confiscated, recovered, or ordered to return or compensate according to laws.(三)调解民间纠纷; (3) mediating disputes among the residents;(四)根据检查结果,作出监察决定或者提出监察建议。 (4) Make a decision or recommendation of supervision according to the results of the inspection.(四)作出监察决定或者提出监察建议。 (4) Make a decision or recommendation of supervision.(四)虐待家庭成员,受虐待人要求处理的; ? (4) maltreating family members, when the victims thereof ask for disposition;(四)行政处罚的履行方式和期限; (4) manner of and time limit for enforcement of administrative penalty;(六)谎报险情,制造混乱的; (6) making false reports of dangerous situations and fomenting chaos;三、 精神病患者不能行使选举权利的,经选举委员会确认,不行使选举权利。 3. Mentally ill persons unable to exercise their voting rights shall not do so after confirmation of their cases by an election committee.国家规定不得归档的材料,禁止擅自归档。 Materials that should not be kept as archives pursuant to State regulations shall not be kept as archives without due authorization.法院诉讼费的收缴办法由最高人民法院商财政部、国家发展计划委员会后按法定程序修订; Measures for collecting litigation charges by courts shall be revised according to legal procedures by the Supreme People’s Court in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance and the Development Planning Commission;诉讼费的管理办法由最高人民法院商财政部修订。 measures for managing litigation charges be revised by the Supreme People’s Court in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance.利用未开放档案的办法,由国家档案行政管理部门和有关主管部门规定。 Measures for using the archives that are not yet open to the public shall be laid down by the national archives administration department and the competent authorities.常务委员会的组成人员由全国人民代表大会从代表中选出。 Members of the Standing Committee shall be elected by the National People's Congress from among its deputies.中华人民共和国农业部 Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国民政部 Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国交通部 Ministry of Communications of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国建设部 Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国文化部 Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国教育部 Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国财政部 Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China