

在利用档案馆的档案中,有前款第一项、第二项、第三项违法行为的,由县级以上人民政府档案行政管理部门给予警告,可以并处罚款;造成损失的,责令赔偿损失。    ""Whoever commits an illegal act as specified in sub-paragraph (1), (2) or (3) of the preceding paragraph in the course of using records of an archives repository, the archives administration department of the people's government at or above the county level shall give him a warning and may also impose a fine; those who have caused losses shall be ordered to compensate the losses.
(一)警告。    (1) warning;
(一)有较严重后果的;    (1) when acts have caused relatively serious consequences;
(一)被告认为需要停止执行的;    (1) where suspension is deemed necessary by the defendant;
(一)被申请人认为需要停止执行的;    (1) where suspension is deemed necessary by the defending party;
(一)维持原具体行政行为的复议决定,由最初作出具体行政行为的行政机关申请人民法院强制执行,或者依法强制执行;    (1) With respect to a reconsideration decision sustaining the original specific administrative act, the administrative body, which has originally undertaken the specific administrative act, shall apply to the people's court for compulsory execution, or proceed with compulsory execution according to the law;
(一)没有法定的行政处罚依据的;    (1) without statutory basis for administrative penalty;
(二)胁迫、诱骗他人或者教唆不满十八岁的人违反治安管理的;    (2) when those responsible coerce or induce others or instigate persons under the age of eighteen to violate the administration of public security;
(二)主动承认错误及时改正的;    (2) when those responsible voluntarily admit their mistakes and correct them in time;
(二)复议机关认为需要停止执行的;    (2) where suspension is deemed necessary by the administrative body for reconsideration;
(二)原告申请停止执行,人民法院认为该具体行政行为的执行会造成难以弥补的损失,并且停止执行不损害社会公共利益,裁定停止执行的;    (2) where suspension of execution is ordered by the people's court at the request of the plaintiff because, in the view of the people's court, execution of the specific administrative act will cause irremediable losses and suspension of the execution will not harm public interests;
(二)改变原具体行政行为的复议决定,由复议机关申请人民法院强制执行,或者依法强制执行。    (2) with respect to a reconsideration decision changing the original specific administrative act, the administrative body for reconsideration shall apply to the people's court for compulsory execution, or proceed with compulsory execution according to the law.
(三)在车辆、行人通行的地方施工,对沟井坎穴不设覆盖物、标志、防围的,或者故意损毁、移动覆盖物、标志、防围的。    (3) when setting up a construction site in a place where vehicles and pedestrians pass, installing no covers, signs or fences for pits, wells, ridges and holes, or intentionally damaging, destroying, or removing covers, signs and fences.
(三)对检举人、证人打击报复的;    (3) when those responsible take revenge on the informants or witnesses;
(三)由于他人胁迫或诱骗的。    (3) when those responsible were coerced or induced by others.
(三)复议申请书未载明本条例第三十三条规定内容之一的,应当把复议申请书发还申请人,限期补正。过期不补正的,视为未申请。    (3) where a written reconsideration application fails to include one item of the contents as prescribed in the provisions of Article 33 of these Regulations, the written application shall be returned to the applicant and a time limit for making up the said contents shall be set. If the applicant fails to fulfil this, the above-mentioned application shall be considered to have not been made.
(三)申请人申请停止执行,复议机关认为其要求合理,裁决停止执行的;    (3) where suspension of execution is requested by the applicant and the administrative body for reconsideration deems it reasonable and makes the decision on the suspension of the execution;
(三)申请材料存在可以当场更正的错误的,应当允许申请人当场更正;    (3) Where the errors in the application materials can be corrected on the spot, the applicant shall be permitted to correct them on the spot;
(四)屡犯不改的。    (4) when those responsible have been repeatedly punished and refuse to amend.
(四)法律、法规和规章规定停止执行的。    (4) where suspension is required by the provisions of the laws, regulations and rules.
(四)申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,应当当场或者在五日内一次告知申请人需要补正的全部内容,逾期不告知的,自收到申请材料之日起即为受理;    (4) Where the application materials are incomplete or inconsistent with the statutory form, it shall inform the applicant on the spot or inform it of all the items that need to be supplemented or corrected within 5 days; if it fails to do so within the time limit, the day when the application materials are accepted shall be considered as the acceptance day;
(四)举行听证时,审查该行政许可申请的工作人员应当提供审查意见的证据、理由,申请人、利害关系人可以提出证据,并进行申辩和质证;    (4) While holding a hearing, the persons who are responsible for the examination of an application for administrative license shall provide proofs, reasons for the examination opinions, the applicant and the interested party may produce evidence, defend and conduct cross-examinations;
(五)申请事项属于本行政机关职权范围,申请材料齐全、符合法定形式,或者申请人按照本行政机关的要求提交全部补正申请材料的,应当受理行政许可申请。    (5) Where the matter applied for falls within the functions of the administrative organ and application materials are complete and in consistency with the statutory form, or the applicant has supplemented and corrected all the items as required, the application for administrative license shall be accepted
(七)听证应当制作笔录;笔录应当交当事人审核无误后签字或者盖章。    (7) Written record shall be made for the hearing; the written record shall be shown to the party for checking, and when the party acknowledges that the record is free of error, he shall sign or affix his seal to it.
(四)承接特种印件印刷业务时,须查验由公安部门和其他有关部门出具的准印证明。    4. While taking up the business of printing special materials, they shall examine the permit issued by the public security bureau and other department concerned.
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