

(一)反对宪法所确定的基本原则的;    (1) opposition to the cardinal principles specified in the Constitution;
(二)责令案件涉嫌单位和涉嫌人员在调查期间不得变卖、转移与案件有关的财物;    (2) Order units and personnel under investigation not to sell and transfer related fund and articles during investigation period;
(二)组织实施调查,收集有关证据;    (2) Organize and conduct an investigation to collect relevant evidence;
(二)国务院及国务院各部门任命的其他人员;    (2) Other personnel appointed by the State Council and by the State Council's various departments;
(三)取证。公安机关收集证据材料时,有关单位和公民应当积极予以支持和协助。询间证人时,证人应当如实反映情况,询问应当作出笔录。证人经核对认为无误后,应当在笔录上签名或者盖章。    (3) Obtaining evidence. Active support and cooperation shall be rendered by the departments and citizens concerned to the public security organs in the course of obtaining evidence. Honest statements shall be given by witnesses during the inquiry, and written statements should be made which shall be signed or sealed by the witnesses after checking and finding no error.
(三)公然侮辱他人或者捏造事实诽谤他人的; ?    (3) openly insulting other persons or fabricating stories to slander other persons;
(三)责令被监察的部门和人员停止违反法律、法规和行政纪律的行为。    (3) Order departments and personnel under supervision to cease acts that violate laws, regulations, and breach of administrative discipline.
(三)责令有违反行政纪律嫌疑的人员在指定的时间、地点就调查事项涉及的问题作出解释和说明,但是不得对其实行拘禁或者变相拘禁;    (3) Order personnel under investigation for suspicion of violating administrative disciplines to make explanations of the matters under investigation at an appointed time and place; however, personnel under investigation shall not be detained in any manner;
(四)责令停产停业;    (4) ordering for suspension of production or business;
(四)法律、法规规定的其他行政许可证件。    (4) Other certificates for administrative license as provided for in the laws and regulations
(四)法律、法规、规章规定的其他违法行为。    (4) Other illegal acts as provided for in the laws, regulations and rules
(四)其他信访事项。    (4) other matters.
(五)组织群众集会或者文化、娱乐、体育、展览、展销等群众性活动,不采取相应的安全措施,经公安机关通知不加改正的;    (5) organizing mass gatherings, exhibitions, fairs, or other public activities in the fields of culture, entertainment, or sports without appropriate safety precautions and refusing to improve after notification by the public security organs;
(五)依法可以撤销行政许可的其他情形。    (5) Other circumstances under which the administrative licenses may be annulled in accordance with the law
(六)违反消防安全规定,占用防火间距,或者搭棚、盖房、挖沟、砌墙堵塞消防车通道的;    (6) occupying fire prevention belts, putting up shelters, building houses, digging trenches or building walls blocking the passage of fire engines in violation of the safety measures against fire;
(六)其他需要提出监察建议的。    (6) Other circumstances in which supervision should be recommended.
(六)法律、法规规定的应当注销行政许可的其他情形。    (6) Other circumstances specified by the laws and regulations in which the administrative licenses shall be canceled
(六)有其他违反本法规定的行为,情节严重的。    (6) Other gross violations of provisions of this law.
(六)法律、行政法规规定可以设定行政许可的其他事项。    (6) Other matters, for which administrative licenses may be established in accordance with the laws and regulations
(六)法律、法规规定的其他条件。    (6) other requirements stipulated by the laws and regulations.
(七)违反规定,在城镇使用音响器材,音量过大,影响周围居民的工作或者休息,不听制止的。    (7) operating acoustic equipment in cities and towns at too high a volume in violation of the relevant regulations, disturbing the neighbouring residents work or rest, and refusing to stop such acts.
(七)法律、行政法规规定的其他行政处罚。    (7) others as prescribed by laws and administrative rules and regulations.
(九)法律、法规规定可以提起行政诉讼或者可以申请复议的其他具体行政行为。    (9) other specific administrative acts against which, according to laws and regulations, an administrative lawsuit or an application for reconsideration may be instituted.
国务院侨务办公室    Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs of the State Council
复议决定一经送达即发生法律效力。    Once the written reconsideration decision is served on the parties concerned, it shall become legally effective.
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