(一)对符合法定条件的行政许可申请不予受理的; (1) Failing to accept the applications for administrative license that meet the statutory requirements;(一)不按规定申报户口或者申领居民身份证,经公安机关通知拒不改正的; (1) failing to register for residence or apply for a resident card according to regulations, in disregard of the notice of the public security organs;(一)未依照本法规定申请或者申请未获许可的; (1) failure to make an application in accordance with the provisions of this Law or to obtain permission for the application;(一)未依照本法规定申请或者申请未获许可的; (1) failure to make an application in accordance with the provisions of this Law or to obtain permission for the application; or(一)申请事项依法不需要取得行政许可的,应当即时告知申请人不受理; (1) For the matter applied for that are not subject to administrative license in accordance with the law, it shall inform the applicant of the rejection immediately;(二)违反法律、法规或者规章的事实和证据; (2) facts and evidence for the violation of law, regulations or rules;(二)不在办公场所公示依法应当公示的材料的; (2) Failing to display the materials in the offices that shall be displayed in accordance with the law;(二)对符合法定条件的申请人不予行政许可或者不在法定期限内作出准予行政许可决定的; (2) Failing to grant an administrative license to an applicant who meets the statutory requirements or to make a decision about the approval of the administrative license within the statutory time limit;(二)未按照主管机关许可的目的、方式、标语、口号、起止时间、地点、路线进行的; (2) failure to act in accordance with the purposes, manners, posters, slogans, starting and finishing time, places and routes permitted by the competent authorities; or(二)未按照主管机关许可的目的、方式、标语、口号、起止时间、地点、路线进行,不听制止的; (2) failure to act in accordance with the purposes, manners, posters, slogans, starting and finishing time, places, and routes permitted by the competent authorities, and disregard of instructions to stop acting without permission.(二)假报户口或者冒用他人户口证件、居民身份证的; (2) faking a residence registration or assuming another person's residence registration or resident card;(二)伪造、篡改统计资料的; (2) falsifying or tampering with statistical data; or2、 填写延期申请表或者变更申请表; (2) Fill in application forms for extension or alternation;2、 填写居留申请表; (2) Fill in residence application forms; and2、 填写签证申请表,交近期2寸半身正面免冠照片; (2) Fill in visa application forms and submit recently taken two-inch half-length, bareheaded and full-faced photos;(二)罚款:一元以上,二百元以下。本条例第三十条、第三十一条、第三十二条另有规定的,依照规定。 (2) fine, ranging from a minimum of one yuan to a maximum of two hundred yuan. In cases where Articles 30, 31 and 32 in these Regulations stipulate otherwise, such provisions shall be observed; or(二)罚款; (2) fine;(二)伪造、隐藏、毁灭证据的; (2) forging, concealing or destroying evidence;(三)在受理、审查、决定行政许可过程中,未向申请人、利害关系人履行法定告知义务的; (3) Failing to perform the statutory duty of keeping the applicant and the interested party informed during the period of accepting, examining and deciding an administrative license;3、 填写旅行申请表。 (3) Fill in a travel application form.(四)旅店管理人员对住宿的旅客不按照规定登记的; (4) failing to register hotel guests according to regulations;(四)申请人提交的申请材料不齐全、不符合法定形式,不一次告知申请人必须补正的全部内容的; (4) For an applicant whose application materials are incomplete or inconsistent with the statutory form, it fails to inform, once and for all, the applicant of all the items that shall be supplemented or corrected;(五)未依法说明不受理行政许可申请或者不予行政许可的理由的; (5) Failing to explain why an application for the administrative license is rejected, or why the administrative license is disapproved in accordance with the law;(五)出租房屋或者床铺供人住宿,不按照规定申报登记住宿人户口的。 (5) failing to report and register lodgers according to regulations in letting a house or bed to another person.(五) 规定选举日期; (5) fix the date for the election;