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(一)非法携带、存放枪支、弹药或者有其他违反枪支管理规定行为,尚不够刑事处罚的;????????    (1) carrying or keeping firearms or ammunition, or committing other acts in violation of firearms control regulations, but not serious enough for criminal punishment;
(一)确认发明专利权的案件、海关处理的案件;    (1) cases of confirming patent rights of invention and cases handled by the Customs;
(一)国家举行或者根据国家决定举行的庆祝、纪念等活动;    (1) celebrations or commemorative activities held by the state or by state decisions; and
(一)检查国家行政机关在遵守和执行法律、法规和人民政府的决定、命令中的问题;    (1) Check on problems in the state administrative organs' adherence to and enforcement of laws, regulations, and decisions and orders of the people's government;
(一)对需要调查处理的事项进行初步审查;认为有违反行政纪律的事实,需要追究行政纪律责任的,予以立案;    (1) Conduct a preliminary examination of the matter that requires investigation and action; set up a case for the matter if it is believed there is an violation of administrative discipline and there is a need to determine the administrative disciplinary responsibility ;
(一)对行政机关及其工作人员的批评、建议和要求;    (1) criticisms, proposals or requests for an administrative authority or its staff;
(二) 进行选民登记,审查选民资格,公布选民名单;受理对于选民名单不同意见的申诉,并做出决定;    (2) conduct the registration of voters, examine the voters' qualifications and publish the name list of voters; handle and decide on petitions concerning the name list of voters;
(二)超越行政许可范围进行活动的;    (2) Conducting activities that exceed the scope of an administrative license;
3、 按约来华监装出口、进口商检或者参加合同验收的;    (3) Coming to China under contract for supervision over export shipment, import commodity inspection or checked on the completion of a contract;
(三)控告侵害自己合法权益的行为;    (3) complaints against an infringement of the rights or interests of the complainant; and
(三)向负责监督检查的行政机关隐瞒有关情况、提供虚假材料或者拒绝提供反映其活动情况的真实材料的;    (3) Concealing the relevant information from the administrative organ responsible for the supervision and check, offering false materials or refusing to offer authentic materials that reflect its activities;
(三)没收违法所得、没收非法财物;    (3) confiscation of illegal gains or confiscation of unlawful property or things of value;
(四)过失引起火灾,尚未造成严重损失的;    (4) causing fire by negligence, but not having caused serious damages or injury;
(四)隐藏、转移、变卖、毁损已被查封、扣押、冻结的财产的;    (4) concealing, transferring, selling or destroying the property that has been sealed up, seized or frozen;
(五)不服行政处罚决定,申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的途径和期限;    (5) channel and time limit for applying for administrative reconsideration or bringing an administrative lawsuit if the party refuses to accept the decision on administrative penalty; and
5、 应中方要求来华解决索赔问题的;    (5) Coming to China at the request of the Chinese side for settling claims;
(五)有违反机构设置和编制管理法律、行政法规的其他行为的。    (5) Committing other activities in violation of the provisions stipulated in the laws and regulations concerning agency establishment and administration of staffing.
(六)认为行政机关没有依法发给抚恤金的;    (6) cases where an administrative body is held to have failed to pay the pensions for the disabled or for the family of the deceased according to law;
(六)认为行政机关没有依法发给抚恤金的;    (6) cases where an administrative organ is considered to have failed to issue a pension according to law;
(六)胁迫或者诱骗不满十八岁的人表演恐怖、残忍节目,摧残其身心健康的;    (6) coercing or inveigling a person under the age of eighteen to give frightening or cruel performances, ruining the person's physical and mental health;
(六)向人民政府或者它的派出机关反映居民的意见、要求和提出建议。    (6) conveying the residents' opinions and demands and making suggestions to the local people's government or its agency.
(七)认为行政机关违法要求履行义务的;    (7) cases where an administrative body is held to have illegally demanded the performance of duties;
(七)认为行政机关违法要求履行义务的;    (7) cases where an administrative organ is considered to have illegally demanded the performance of duties;
(八)认为行政机关侵犯其他人身权、财产权的;    (8) cases where an administrative body is held to have infringed upon other personal rights and property rights;
(八)档案工作人员玩忽职守,造成档案损失的。    (8) causing losses to archives as a result of neglect of duty on the part of archivists.
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