

1、 中方临时决定邀请来华参加交易会的;    (1) Being invited at short notice by the Chinese side to attend a trade fair in China;
(十一)未经主管部门批准,在街道上搭棚、盖房、摆摊、堆物或者有其他妨碍交通行为的。    (11) blocking traffic by putting up shelters, building houses, setting up stalls, piling up goods or conducting other operations without approval of the appropriate department.
2、 应邀来华参加投标或者正式签订经贸合同的;    (2) Being invited to China to enter a bid or to formally sign an economic or trade contract;
(二)非机动车驾驶人员或者行人违反交通规则的;    (2) breaking of traffic regulations by non-motorized vehicle users or pedestrians;
(二)擅自改变行政处罚种类、幅度的;    (2) by altering the types and range of administrative penalty, without authorization;
(三)在城市集会、游行,违反有关规定妨碍交通,不听民警指挥的;    (3) blocking traffic by rallying or demonstrating in cities, violating relevant regulations in disregard of police directions;
4、 应邀参加设备安装或者工程抢修的;    (4) Being invited to install equipment or make rush repairs;
6、 应邀来华提供科技咨询的;    (6) Being invited to China for scientific or technological consulting services;
(七)埋压、圈占或者损毁消火栓、水泵、水塔、蓄水池等消防设施或者将消防器材、设备挪作他用,经公安机关通知不加改正的;    (7) burying, enclosing or damaging and destroying fire-fighting facilities such as fire hydrants, water pumps, water towers, cisterns, or using such instruments and equipment for other purposes, and refusing to correct such acts after being informed by the public security organs;
(八)有重大火灾隐患,经公安机关通知不加改正的。    (8) being in serious potential danger of fire, but refusing to take corrective measures after notification by the public security organs.
2.适用法律、法规、规章和具有普遍约束力的决定、命令错误的;    (b) erroneous application of the laws, regulations and rules and of decisions and orders with a general binding force;
(三)经营酒类的餐饮场所、咖啡馆、茶座;    3. Bars or saloons, cafes and teahouses;
⒉适用法律、法规错误的;    b. erroneous application of the law or regulations;
全国人民代表大会常务委员会根据代表资格审查委员会提出的报告,确认代表的资格或者确定个别代表的当选无效,在每届全国人民代表大会第一次会议前公布代表名单。    Based on the reports submitted by the Credentials Committee, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall affirm the qualifications of deputies or invalidate the election of individual deputies, and shall publish the list of affirmed deputies prior to the first session of each National People's Congress.
进行经常性抽样调查,应当在调查前查明基本统计单位及其分布情况,按照经批准的抽样调查方案,建立科学的抽样框。    Before conducting regular sampling surveys, it is necessary to find out about the basic statistics units and their geographical distribution and to establish a scientific sampling framework in accordance with an approved plan for sampling surveys.
代表团在每次全国人民代表大会会议举行前,讨论全国人民代表大会常务委员会提出的关于会议的准备事项;在会议期间,对全国人民代表大会的各项议案进行审议,并可以由代表团团长或者由代表团推派的代表,在主席团会议上或者大会全体会议上,代表代表团对审议的议案发表意见。    Before each session of the National People's Congress is convened, the delegations shall discuss matters concerning preparations for the session put forward by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. During the session, the delegations shall deliberate on the bills and proposals submitted to the Congress, and the heads of delegations or representatives chosen by them may express, on behalf of those delegations, opinions on the bills and proposals at meetings of the Presidium or at plenary meetings of the session.
对情节复杂或者重大违法行为给予较重的行政处罚,行政机关的负责人应当集体讨论决定。    Before imposing a heavier administrative penalty for an illegal act which is of a complicated or grave nature, the leading members of an administrative organ shall make a collective decision through discussion.
北京、上海、天津、大连、福州、厦门、西安、桂林、杭州、昆明、广州(白云机场)、深圳(罗湖、蛇口)、珠海(拱北)。    Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Dalian, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Xi'an, Guilin, Hangzhou, Kunming, Guangzhou (Baiyun Airport), Shenzhen (Luohu, Shekou) and Zhuhai (Gongbei).
常务委员会组成人员十人以上可以向常务委员会提出属于常务委员会职权范围内的议案,由委员长会议决定是否提请常务委员会会议审议,或者先交有关的专门委员会审议、提出报告,再决定是否提请常务委员会会议审议。    Bills and proposals that fall within the scope of the functions and powers of the Standing Committee may be submitted to the Standing Committee by ten or more members of the Standing Committee. The Council of the Chairman shall decide whether to directly submit the bills to a meeting of the Standing Committee for deliberation or to first submit them to the relevant special committees and after receiving the reports on their deliberations then submit the bills to the Standing Committee for deliberation.
国务院机关事务管理局    Bureau of Government Offices Administration under the State Council
但是,在一届政府任期内,国务院组成部门应当保持相对稳定。    but the constituent ministries and commissions of the State Council shall be maintained relatively stable during the term of office of the Government.
但是,不得组织强制性的资格考试的考前培训,不得指定教材或者其他助考材料。    But, no compulsory pre-examination training for the qualification examination shall be organized, and no textbook or other supplementary materials shall be specified
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