

(一)当事人的姓名或者名称、地址;    (1) name, or title, and address of the party;
(三)未受过刑事处罚,但过失犯罪的除外。    3. Never being subject to any criminal punishment, except some petty offenses.
中国气象局    National Meteorological Bureau
中国地震局    National Seismological Bureau
国家旅游局    National Tourism Administration
走访不得围堵、冲击国家机关,不得拦截公务车辆。    No complainant shall be allowed to blockade or attack any State organ or intercept any vehicle on official duties.
各地方、各部门、各单位的领导人不得强令或者授意统计机构、统计人员篡改统计资料或者编造虚假数据。统计机构、统计人员对领导人强令或者授意篡改统计资料或者编造虚假数据的行为,应当拒绝、抵制,依照本法和统计制度如实报送统计资料,并对所报送的统计资料的真实性负责。    No leading members of local authorities, departments or units may compel or prompt statistics institutions or statisticians to tamper with or fabricate statistical data. Statistics institutions and statisticians shall refuse to submit to or oppose such compulsion or prompting and, in accordance with this Law and regulations on statistics, submit authentic statistical data and be responsible for their authenticity.
地方性法规和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规章,不得设定应当由国家统一确定的公民、法人或者其他组织的资格、资质的行政许可;不得设定企业或者其他组织的设立登记及其前置性行政许可。其设定的行政许可,不得限制其他地区的个人或者企业到本地区从事生产经营和提供服务,不得限制其他地区的商品进入本地区市场。    No local regulation or government rule of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish any administrative license for the qualifications of the citizens, legal persons or other institutions that shall be determined by the state; no administrative license and pre-administrative license may be established for the establishment and registration of enterprises or other institutions. The administrative licenses established thereby shall not hinder the individuals or enterprises of other regions from dealing in production and business and providing services in one region, shall not restrict the commodities of other regions from entering into the market of the local region
常务委员会的组成人员不得担任国家行政机关、审判机关和检察机关的职务;如果担任上述职务,必须向常务委员会辞去常务委员会的职务。    No one on the standing committee may hold office in an administrative, judicial or procuratorial organ of the state; if a member assumes any of the above-mentioned offices, he must resign from his post on the standing committee.
任何组织和个人不得压制、打击报复、迫害信访人。    No organization or individual shall suppress, retaliate against or persecute a complainant.
各部门的具体执收、执罚单位不得设立帐户,否则视同“小金库”处理。    No units in charge of collecting fees or imposing fines under respective departments shall open their own accounts or they will be dealt with for keeping ""private savings"".
第七号    No. 7
代表资格审查委员会的主任委员、副主任委员和委员的人选,由常务委员会主任会议在常务委员会组成人员中提名,常务委员会会议通过。    Nominations for the chairman, vice-chairmen and members of a credentials committee shall be made by the council of chairmen of the standing committee from among the members of the standing committee and adopted at a meeting of the standing committee.
各专门委员会的主任委员、副主任委员和委员的人选,由主席团在代表中提名,大会通过。在大会闭会期间,常务委员会可以补充任命专门委员会的个别副主任委员和部分委员,由主任会议提名,常务委员会会议通过。    Nominations for the chairman, vice-chairmen and members of a special committee shall be made by the presidium from among the deputies and approved by the people's congress. When the people's congress is not in session, its standing committee may appoint additional individual vice- chairmen and some members of the special committees through nomination by its council of chairmen and approval by a meeting of the standing committee.
提名人应当如实介绍所提名的候选人的情况。    Nominators shall make a trustful introduction of their nominees.
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