

(一)主动消除或者减轻违法行为危害后果的;    (1) he has taken the initiative to eliminate or lessen the harmful consequences occasioned by his illegal act;
(一)在地下、内水、领海及其他场所中发现文物隐匿不报,不上交国家的;    (1) hiding, not reporting, and not handing in to the state cultural relics discovered underground, in internal waters, in territorial waters or other places;
(一)持用无效出境证件的;    (1) holders of invalid exit certificates;
(二)办理本居住地区居民的公共事务和公益事业;    (2) handling the public affairs and public welfare services of the residents in the local residential area;
(二)危害国家统一、主权和领土完整的;    (2) harming the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state;
(二)受他人胁迫有违法行为的;    (2) he has been coerced by another to commit the illegal act;
(二)持用他人出境证件的;    (2) holders of exit certificates other than their own; and
(三)依法应当根据招标、拍卖结果或者考试成绩择优作出准予行政许可决定,未经招标、拍卖或者考试,或者不根据招标、拍卖结果或者考试成绩择优作出准予行政许可决定的。    (3) Having made a decision on approving an administrative license, which shall be decided according to the results of bid invitation or auction, or the exam scores that the applicants get in the examination, without taking the forms of bid invitation, auction or examination, or inconsistent with the results of bid invitation or auction, or with the exam scores the applicants get
(三)配合行政机关查处违法行为有立功表现的;    (3) he has performed meritorious deeds when working in coordination with administrative organs to investigate violations of law; or
(三)持用伪造或者涂改的出境证件的。    (3) holders of forged or altered exit certificates.
(四)其他依法从轻或者减轻行政处罚的。    (4) he is under other circumstances for which he shall be given a lighter or mitigated administrative penalty in accordance with law.
(七)隐匿、毁弃或者私自开拆他人邮件、电报的。    (7) hiding, destroying, discarding or illegally opening another person's postal articles or telegrams.
(一)旅馆内不得存放危险物品、违禁物品;    1. Hotels shall not store dangerous and prohibited goods;
(二)旅馆内不得从事色情、卖淫嫖娼、赌博、吸毒、贩毒以及其他违法犯罪活动;    2. Hotels shall not be engaged in such illegal activities as eroticism, prostitution, gambling, drug abuse, drug trade, and so on; and
健康证明书自签发之日起6个月有效。    Health certificates are valid for six months from the date of issuance.
依照本条第二款的规定撤销行政许可的,被许可人基于行政许可取得的利益不受保护。    here an administrative license is annulled according to the second paragraph of this Article, the interests obtained by the licensee on the basis of this administrative license shall not be protected
国务院港澳事务办公室    Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council
但是,法律、法规另有规定的,依照其规定。    However, if it is otherwise provided for in any law and regulation, the latter shall prevail
中华人民共和国主席 *    Hu Jingtao, President of the People's Republic of China
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