

(一)对需要检查的事项予以立项;    (1) Set up a case for the matter that needs to be inspected;
(一)在有易燃易爆物品的地方,违反禁令,吸烟、使用明火的;    (1) smoking and using open fire in places where there are combustibles and explosive devices, in violation of the prohibitions;
(一)偷窃、骗取、抢夺少量公私财物的;    (1) stealing, swindling or seizing a small amount of public or private property;
(一)殴打他人,造成轻微伤害的;    (1) striking another person, causing slight injury;
1、 交验护照、签证和与居留事由有关的证明;    (1) Submit for examination their passports, visas and papers supporting their purposes of residence;
1、 交验护照或者居留证件;    (1) Submit passport or residence certificate for examination;
1、 交验护照和签证、证件;    (1) Submit their passports, visas and certificates for examination;
(一)传唤。公安机关对违反治安管理的人,需要传唤的,使用传唤证。对于当场发现的违反治安管理的人,可以口头传唤。对无正当理由不接受传唤或者逃避传唤的,公安机关可以强制传唤。    (1) Summons. A summoning warrant shall be issued by a public security organ when it is necessary to summon an offender. A person discovered committing an offense may be summoned verbally. Whoever refuses to be summoned or avoids summons without good reasons shall be summoned compulsorily.
(二)哄抢国家、集体、个人财物的;    (2) starting a riot to seize state-owned, collective-owned and private property;
(二)对国务院各部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府所作的具体行政行为提起诉讼的案件;    (2) suits against specific administrative acts undertaken by departments under the State Council or by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government;
3、 对于不准入境的人员,必须负责用原交通工具带走,对由于不可抗拒的原因不能立即离境的人,必须负责其在中国停留期间的费用和离开时的旅费。    (3) See to it that persons not permitted to enter China leave on the original means of transport and that the expenses during the stay in China of persons who cannot promptly leave the country through force majeure are covered along with their travel expenses for departure.
(三)在调查期间变卖、转移涉嫌财物的;    (3) Selling off or transferring property under suspicion while investigation is being conducted;
(三)向本级人民政府或者上级监察机关提出检查情况报告;    (3) Submit a report on the inspection to people's governments at the corresponding levels or the supervisory organs at a higher level;
3、 交验与申请入境、过境事由有关的证明。    (3) Submit for examination papers supporting the application for entry into or transit through China.
(四)违反本法第十六条、第十七条规定,擅自出卖或者转让档案的;    (4) selling or transferring archives without authorization in violation of Article 16 or Article 17 of this Law;
(四)建议有关机关暂停有严重违反行政纪律嫌疑的人员执行职务。    (4) Suggest to relevant organs to temporarily bar those who are suspected of having seriously breached administrative discipline from performing official duties.
(五)倒卖档案牟利或者将档案卖给、赠送给外国人的;    (5) selling archives for profit or selling or giving archives to foreigners;
(五)捏造或者歪曲事实、故意散布谣言或者以其他方法煽动扰乱社会秩序的;    (5) spreading disruptive rumours and inciting disturbances;
(五)当事人的陈述;    (5) statements of the parties;
(1995年10月28日国务院令第185号发布)    1995-10-28 State Council/Ministries/Commissions
二、加强票据管理,严格执行罚款决定与罚款收缴相分离的规定。    2 Stengthening the Control of Invoices and Strictly Enforcing Provisions for Separating Penalty Decision from Penalty Payment.
(三)建立或者配备与其经营规模相适应的安全保卫部门或者安全保卫人员。    3. Setting up a security department or providing safeguards corresponding to the scale of its business.
(四)体育场(馆)、游泳池(场)、溜冰场、营业性射击场;    4. Stadiums(gymnasiums), swimming pools(spots), skating rinks and shooting ranges for business; and
六、加强支出管理。    6. Strengthening Expenditure Management.
七、加强监督检查工作。    7. Strengthening the Supervision and Inspection.
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