

(一)违反行政纪律,依法应当给予警告、记过、记大过、降级、撤职、开除行政处分的;    (1) Violation of administrative discipline which should be given the administrative punishment of warning, record of a demerit, record of a major demerit, demotion, dismissal from post, or discharge from employment according to laws;
1、 * D字签证发给来中国定居的人员;    (1) Visa D to aliens who are to reside permanently in China;
2、 * Z字签证发给来中国任职或者就业的人员及其随行家属;    (2) Visa Z to aliens who come to China to take up posts or employment and to their accompanying family members;
3、 * X字签证发给来中国留学、进修、实习6个月以上的人员;    (3) Visa X to aliens who come to China for study, advanced studies or job-training for a period of six months or more;
4、 * F字签证发给来中国访问、考察、讲学、经商、进行科技文化交流及短期进实习等活动不超过6个月的人员;    (4) Visa F to aliens who are invited to China on a visit or on a study, lecture or business tour, for scientific-technological or cultural exchanges, for short-term refresher course or for job-training, for a period not more than six months;
5、 * L字签证发给来中国旅游、探亲或者因其他私人事务入境的人员,其中9人以上组团来中国旅游的,可以了给团体签证;    (5) Visa L to aliens who come to China for sight-seeing, visiting relatives or other private purposes (A group visa may be issued to a group of nine or more aliens on a sight-seeing trip to China);
(六)违反渡船、渡口安全规定,经公安机关通知不加改正的;    (6) violating safety regulations concerning ferry boats and ferries and refusing to improve after notification by the public security organs;
(六)违反交通规则,造成交通事故,尚不够刑事处罚的;    (6) violating traffic regulations so as to cause traffic accidents, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment;
6、 * G字签证发给经中国过境的人员;    (6) Visa G to aliens passing through China;
7、 * C字签证发给执行乘务、航空、航运任务的国际列车乘务员、国际航空器机组人员及国际航行船舶和海员及其随行家属;    (7) Visa C to train attendants, air crew members and seamen operating international services, and to their accompanying family members.
8、 * J-1字签证发给来中国常驻的外国记者,J-2字签证发给临时来中国采访的外国记者;    (8) Visa J-1 to resident foreign correspondents in China; Visa J-2 to foreign correspondents who make short trip to China on reporting tasks.
五、国务院直属事业单位    V. Institutions Directly under the State Council
县级以上地方各级人民政府监察机关负责本行政区域内的监察工作,对本级人民政府和上一级监察机关负责并报告工作,监察业务以上级监察机关领导为主。    Various levels of local people's government supervisory organs at county level or higher are responsible for supervision work in their administrative regions. They are held responsible by the same level of the people's government and by superior supervisory organs and they report work to them. Superior supervisory organs take the main lead in supervisory operation.
持联程客票搭乘国际航班直接过境,在中国停留不超过二十四小时不出机场的外国人,免办签证。要求临时离开机场的,需经防检查机关批准。    Visas are not required for aliens in immediate transit on connected international flights who hold passenger tickets and stay for no more than 24 hours in China entirely within airport boundaries. Anyone desiring to leave the airport temporarily must obtain permission from the frontier inspection office.
选民实际上已经迁居外地但是没有转出户口的,在取得原选区选民资格的证明后,可以在现居住地的选区参加选举。    Voters who have actually moved out to live in other places but who have not changed their permanent residence registration accordingly may take part in the election in the electoral districts of their present places of residence after obtaining a certificate of their qualifications as voters in their original electoral districts.
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